

Well-Known Member
Got home today to find a business card on my door from the sheriffs dept. with a note on the back to call the deputy about my medicinal marijuana garden.... :-|

I'm well under the numbers on my note but still don't want to discuss my business with the law.


Active Member
If you're legit and you have valid paperwork you have nothing to worry about, a few of my buddies near the beach had a sheriff stop by 2 weeks ago, followed up with 2 DEA agents, no joke. Long story short they were there to check out my friends grow,(3000 watts) so they did, and they left. If anything They probably want to make sure your legitimate, and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's what I'm thinking so I'm really not trippin about it, kinda sucks tho haha


Well-Known Member
Just met with the Deputy, he was super cool. Checked my paperwork and went on his way. He said my plants looked great, lol. Apparently the neighbor complained. The BS part is they just moved in a couple months ago and the plants were already in the ground when they moved in!!!! I was in the back yard when they were looking at the house to rent it and they looked right at me messing with the plants. Why move in next to someone who is growing if you're going to complain about it? F'n stupid a$$ people!!!


Active Member
Just met with the Deputy, he was super cool. Checked my paperwork and went on his way. He said my plants looked great, lol. Apparently the neighbor complained. The BS part is they just moved in a couple months ago and the plants were already in the ground when they moved in!!!! I was in the back yard when they were looking at the house to rent it and they looked right at me messing with the plants. Why move in next to someone who is growing if you're going to complain about it? F'n stupid a$$ people!!!
For the WIN. lol yeah you don't have to worry at all now do you ;)

Those neighbors seem bitchy, if they give you any more trouble you should complain against THEM, for harrasment and what not. Obviously your legal and now that you even talked to a sheriff about it, things are leaning your way. lol


Active Member
Just remember it's legal on the state level and not federal. Do not piss the neighbors off and still keep a low profile. My current problem is the 10 workers next door redoing my neighbors roof asking me if I want to sell any of my plants. Cool. Now I have to watch my shit. My bedroom window is 10 foot from my grow and at night I now surround my perimeter with a 40 foot twine with 30 bells attached to it no shit. 2 security lights that when they come on, it lpols like a police helicopters spotlight brightness :)