The Coming Of Cheesus


Well-Known Member
feed her, i already had mine on full strength lucas (8-16) by this time because they where looking the same way. these indica dom strains can take a good feeding for sure.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
feed her, i already had mine on full strength lucas (8-16) by this time because they where looking the same way. these indica dom strains can take a good feeding for sure.
Perfect. Went ahead and mixed up a 460ppm nute solution. gonna let it sit til tonight then change the res. Wish I could top her already.


Well-Known Member
as soon as I have a working camera I shall, but to be honest between this journal and a few others I've subbed to I am going to look pretty jury rigged till I get it all sussed out. Can not wait though lol.


Well-Known Member
Perfect. Went ahead and mixed up a 460ppm nute solution. gonna let it sit til tonight then change the res. Wish I could top her already.
nice bro, she is really coming along nicely, i have a good feeling about this one. her color will return once she gets some more food.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
nice bro, she is really coming along nicely, i have a good feeling about this one. her color will return once she gets some more food.
Yeah me too. Most of the descriptions describe it as more of a "connoisseur" smoke. The best nutrients and no competition for light space I should get a decent yield and a very tasty smoke. I think when I top her I'm going to take what I top and see how well it clones just for future reference in case it turns out to be amazing smoke and wanna order another seed.

the roots are coming along nice since I lowered the water schedule. Looked like a good inch and a half from the previous day. Chalk the Voodoo juice up as a good investment.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
as soon as I have a working camera I shall, but to be honest between this journal and a few others I've subbed to I am going to look pretty jury rigged till I get it all sussed out. Can not wait though lol.
Bah, I'll definitely sub to your grow. I know what you mean I try to keep up with Hellraizer and Drgreentm journal as much as I can as theyre always doing something pretty sweet.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Day 19 of VEG: She was acting hungry a day or so ago so I bumped her up to 450ppm. Today the ppm was 480 but that was before I topped off the res with a half gallon and that lowered the ppm to 440 ppm. Now the problem is I keep getting Brown tips. mainly just the tips of the older larger leaves and the edges a little bit. I've been having that most of the grow.

So shes clearly hungry yet at the same time I feel like I have a bit of nute burn. Unless because I was using distilled water at 1ppm perhaps my nutrients lack something that the city water had such as calcium etc. Anybody with thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. Not a very big problem at all but I still want to keep it as healthy as possible.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 of VEG: She was acting hungry a day or so ago so I bumped her up to 450ppm. Today the ppm was 480 but that was before I topped off the res with a half gallon and that lowered the ppm to 440 ppm. Now the problem is I keep getting Brown tips. mainly just the tips of the older larger leaves and the edges a little bit. I've been having that most of the grow.

So shes clearly hungry yet at the same time I feel like I have a bit of nute burn. Unless because I was using distilled water at 1ppm perhaps my nutrients lack something that the city water had such as calcium etc. Anybody with thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. Not a very big problem at all but I still want to keep it as healthy as possible.
man calmag has saved me and i think it should be a requirement with any program even using tap (as i do and still add it), i dont think it can be nute burn, thats just a really low ppm.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Okay, that seems to be my problem every grow. Lack of cal-mag. I don't feel like driving all the way to my hydro store, Epsom salt can be used correct?


Well-Known Member
Day 19 of VEG: She was acting hungry a day or so ago so I bumped her up to 450ppm. Today the ppm was 480 but that was before I topped off the res with a half gallon and that lowered the ppm to 440 ppm. Now the problem is I keep getting Brown tips. mainly just the tips of the older larger leaves and the edges a little bit. I've been having that most of the grow.

So shes clearly hungry yet at the same time I feel like I have a bit of nute burn. Unless because I was using distilled water at 1ppm perhaps my nutrients lack something that the city water had such as calcium etc. Anybody with thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. Not a very big problem at all but I still want to keep it as healthy as possible.
Keep the nutes low starting off, i just tried to raise the EC on mine they ended up clawing and yellowing so leached them and dropped the EC back down now their coming back green again

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
So from leaf tip to leaf tip 11 inches. bottom of stem to top of plant 5 inches. Definitely gonna be vegging this one for awhile.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Keep the nutes low starting off, i just tried to raise the EC on mine they ended up clawing and yellowing so leached them and dropped the EC back down now their coming back green again
I think the nute level is okay as they went from a yellowish shade back to a nice green after only a couple of days. I get this problem almost every grow, I'm gonna try Cal-Mag and see what happens.
Other than the yellow to brownish tips theres no clawing whatsoever and overall a healthy color.
What strain you growing?


Well-Known Member
My cheesus are 9" tall and about 10" wide topped a few times i'm hoping to flower them at the end of the month
the closest 1 is the only 1 that hasn't been topped there's cheesus, freeze cheese 89, GHS exo cheese and sogouda in there to

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
My cheesus are 9" tall and about 10" wide topped a few times i'm hoping to flower them at the end of the month
the closest 1 is the only 1 that hasn't been topped there's cheesus, freeze cheese 89, GHS exo cheese and sogouda in there to
Whaa sweet another cheese grower. how long did you wait to top your cheesus and how'd she take it? are yours also really short and wide?

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
DSCN0973.jpgDSCN0975.jpgDSCN0974.jpgDSCN0970.jpgDSCN0971.jpgDSCN0977.jpgDSCN0978.jpgDSCN0972.jpgDSCN0976.jpgOkay, so tomorrow is day 21 of veg and I wanna go ahead and top her. I want too top for four main colas rather than two. I suck at counting nodes so I took a couple of pics with a pen pointing at different nodes. Can someone tell me which node is the second true node ? Spacing is pretty tight which is why I don't wanna Fluck it up.

pic nine is the newest growth. pic seven is the node below it and six the one under that.


Well-Known Member
Let her come up a bit more then top her where the pen is in pic 6 you should be left with 4 branches like some of mine some will give you 4 and some 2 main tops, the tops i cut off i used for cuttings all took and are doing fine

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Let her come up a bit more then top her where the pen is in pic 6 you should be left with 4 branches like some of mine some will give you 4 and some 2 main tops, the tops i cut off i used for cuttings all took and are doing fine
Okay, she does seem abit small to top that low. Are your Cheesus slow growing as well? I mean the roots are growing like crazy but shes just not gaining alot of vertical growth. Guess its the Indica in it.
Guess I could just wait another week to top.


Well-Known Member
1 of mine are up to 11" tall so they're coming up nicely, just rolling 1 up then off to my groom to pot up they're going 12-12 at the end of the month however tall they get while i'm down there i'll check the dimensions on the 3 of em and get back to you soon