Help Leaves curling inward with burnt tips.

poon cup

I need help.

Most of my plants are currently having there top newer leaves curling in on them selves and some of the lower and upper leaves have burnt tips.

Im growing in soil Miracle grow indoor pot mix. Used it last grow with no problems at this stage.2 150hps 2 fans movin air around. temp in room is 90.

ive also noticed soem plants with very light green almsot yellow leaves. with very stunted growth

any help is much appreciated. sorry about no pics but i have nothign to take pics wit.


Active Member
"Miracle grow indoor pot mix."

I can almost 100% garauntee, that this soil is your problem.
You might have done a grow with no problems using it before but you have to keep in mind different strains react differently to different enivronments/nutes.
If you're running a different strain from last time, thats quite possibly your issue on hand.
Your room temp is kind of high you can get away with 85 degree temps but any higher than that and I would recommend using co2.
The problems you describe(I can't emphasize this enough) are classic symptoms of miracle grow soil fucking with your girl(s). I could tell you this from my personal experience. I live out in southern california as a medpatient. For my first grow I used MG soil to pop some beans outdoors in 5 gallon pots. They did fine popping, but as for any growth, none whatsoever. The result was four 5 inch tall plants, that yielded a gram and a half each. Keep in mind that these were planted OUTSIDE in the end of may this year and all finished about a month back.
I wasted my entire outdoor season this year using that crap and I swear I'll never use it again. A five inch tall plant after 4 months of growth is a pretty big sign to me to never go near this crap again. In all honesty I would have had some decent sized plants probably 3 or 4 feet tall, if I had used the right stuff, but no, I pulled a retarded move and went with MG because it was cheap and at hand. (if you can't tell I'm still angry about my grow lol)
Not only is it bad for growing weed, but its usually full of fungus gnat larvae and other nasty things. I've had plenty of mushrooms pop up along the way from the soil as well. Which isn't a good thing.

My advice is to make your own soil if you can't get ahold of some fox farms or roots organic and get the plants out of that horrible death filled MG. Theres lots of recipes on this site, just do a bit of searching and you'll find what you need.


Active Member
my first grow consisited of Scotts Top Soil and Miracle Gro Potting Soil Mixed with a Bag a perlite.. and didnt use any nutes till flower and did fine.. so see if u can get ur temps down or use Dynagro Protekt or Silica Blast they help with heat.. let the plant get a little stronger from the silicon then can withstand more heat.. but still get the temps down to atleast 80 or u wont make it without CO2