Is this fungus gnat or another fly


Active Member
Hello, I have just started 2-3 days ago and found this fly on my baby. I have checked it from google and rollitup and thought thats a Fungus Gnat.

You will find attached the photos please make your comments. My babies arrived to my flat 5 days ago but I have been seing this fly for over 6-7 months. Thats why i think its coming from my indoor Yuka tree.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Wow, You have only been growing your plants for 2-3 days and have bugs? That sucks. I would not think it would be from a Yuka Plant. Don't they come from the desert area. I know down in the desert of Nevada Yuka plants are everywhere, and Little flies like those do not like dry conditions. At least to what I think. Maybe I am wrong. I have always been lucky on my crops. Other then one. I got Knatts or fruit flies, but they were easy to kill. No Harm, No Foul.

Like I said, I am no bug specialist. But You only growing those plants for 2-3 days, and I doubt they are coming from the yuka plant. Unless you are way over watering it. :) I would have to say they is something else around the house causeing these bugs to grow. Could they be coming from the garage? Under the House? Maybe the atic? You have garbage outside your house waiting to be picked up? Do you have roiting fruit inside the house, or outside for that matter. Maybe a fruit tree in the yard.
I know when i had 3-4 fruit flys or what ever they were. I nuked the little bastards. I was lucky I was still in veg. I would hate to get infested in the last few weeks. So best to correct this issue now.

Well-Known Member
looks like a doo doo bug to me man. Kill that shit fast, because it looks like an unknown species of dinosaur bugs... That thing looks like a prehistoric fly to me...

Well-Known Member
I was just playing that is definitely a WHITE FLY!

"Whiteflies are more easily seen than thrips or mites because they fly around plants, especially when plants are shaken by gardeners or air movement. As their name implies, whiteflies are pure white, and are about the size of the
head of a pencil lead. Whiteflies drink plant juices and leave residue on plant surfaces that provides sustenance for harmful fungi."

If its what i think it is get that shit out now!

It points 75% toward white fly, 25% fungus gnat. Basically either are terrible recipes for disaster!

Whiteflies like the color yellow; one control for whiteflies is a commercially available yellow strip coated with sticky material that attracts whiteflies and then traps them.
Parasitic wasps released before whitefly infestation can keep whiteflies from taking over a grow situation. Sprays containing pyrethrum and organic gardening soap kill some whiteflies, especially when they are airborne. Whenever
using sprays, be sure to spray the underside of leaves thoroughly, as this is where many pests live.

Fungus gnats thrive in overfertilized, over-watered grow mediums, especially those where organic fertilizer high in nitrogen has been used. Gnats can be killed by disturbing soil, heating soil, by predatory wasps, and by applying insecticidal soap, neem, rotenone, and garlic oil to gnat infestations.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey Beginner, Got to love that last sentence of your post.

What kind of Bud you smoking.... Well this would be AntiDrac Weed.:eyesmoke:

Well-Known Member
Hey Beginner, Got to love that last sentence of your post.

What kind of Bud you smoking.... Well this would be AntiDrac Weed.:eyesmoke:
:D hahahah. Thanks Lord Dangly Bits. oh yeah also toto34 dont use any poisonous inorganic sprays to kill these bugs. So if you are going to go about fixing this problem then the predator wasps sound sick! Or if you dont feel like a badass today you can always just go with the girly sticky traps or organic sprays (when i say organic i mean; for instance say you have ant poison but it says its ok to spray in your dogs food to kill ants because it is made up of non harmful organic materials, this my friend would be the kind of bug spray you would use (DONT LITERALLY USE DOG ANT SPRAY! Go to a grow store and look around)).

btw cannawizard if that was directed at me, then I personally do not find myself annoying but full of information, so I believe I am not being annoying but helpful.
**Please disregard this statement if your comment was not directly aimed at me. Thank you****DO NOT disregard the top above the disregarded sentence, because it is full of information**


Active Member
Hello mates, i have just woke up and opened the board to check if someone replied and boom i have found 6 replies thank you very much.

I am not living in a desert area. Actually here the natural humidtiy is around %40-60.

-I have been seeing this fly for 6 months but i havent had any growing room till 3 days ago. It seems to me like white flies also and i am living in a very green area at a flat. Maybe they are coming from out side and i will try to find sticky yellow strip cause its very hard to find grow shop stuff in our national territory .

-The funny thing is i am having a very big cupboard as you see it from the picture and inside of the cupboard is totaly yellow. If i were a white fly and like the yellow color. i think i will definetly come inside of this cupboard.
-Beginner legal growop, thank you very much for your kind and detailed reply. I was also looking something organic solution for my babies cause at the end i am going to consume them. But after reading your reply i remember a friend who used

Raid® Flying Insect Killer

-This is not the first time growing for me but in our country we are having very strict internet polis. They are always watching these web sites and ban them. They are also banning youtube and etc. Thats why i am always using proxy servers but i am having a pain in the back to open the pictures while using a proxy server. I am trying to explain the reason why my participation is not so high.

thanx again



Well-Known Member
If they are living in the soil then cover it. Gnats can't lay eggs and soon die off.
It looks large though. IDK if it is a gnat. But I bet it would taste great deep fried with some spicy dip.


Active Member
I wrote a reply but i dont see it. Thats why i am resending it again at the bottom of this reply.
I have found an organic compound but i am not sure if its safe to use it. Could you please comment if its safe or not against to this yellow fly.


Hello mates, i have just woke up and opened the board to check if someone replied and boom
i have found 6 replies thank you very much.

I am not living in a desert area. Actually here the natural humidtiy is around %40-60.

-I have been seeing this fly for 6 months but i havent had any growing room till 3 days ago. It seems to me like white flies also and i am living in a very green area at a flat.
Maybe they are coming from out side and i will try to find sticky yellow strip cause its very hard to
find grow shop stuff in our national territory .

-The funny thing is i am having a very big cupboard as you see it from the picture and inside of the cupboard is
totaly yellow. If i were a white fly and like the yellow color. i think i will definetly come inside of this cupboard.
-Beginner legal growop, thank you very much for your kind and detailed reply.
I was also looking something organic solution for my babies cause at the end i am going to consume them.
But after reading your reply i remember a friend who used
Raid® Flying Insect Killer
Raid® Flying Insect Killer

-This is not the first time growing for me but in our country we are having very strict internet police. They are always watching these web sites and ban them. They are also banning youtube and etc. Thats why i am always using proxy servers but i am having a pain in the back to open the pictures while using a proxy server. I am trying to explain the reason why my participation is not so high.

thanx again

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey Toto, what is that fly inside of? When I first saw your pictures I thought of the masquito they got the DNA from, in the movie Jarrassic Park. :shock:


Active Member
Dont use raid. If im not mistaken its pure poison...
I was just joking =)

I used a magnifier to take the picture. I have found out that they are coming from out side all the time. I put that yellow fly paper and fly screen to my windows.
I hope i will never need an organic poison.
Thanks all.
