How would your parents react if they caught you growing pot?


Well-Known Member
My dad's a pot enthusiast as well as I am, but he's a teacher and hasn't had access to weed (and is too paranoid to interact with dealers) for probably 20 years or so. So when he figured out I had "an operation" (as he called it) going on in my room, I invited him in and showed him where the magic happens.

He asked me what I was planning on doing with it and I said I wanted to -SOMETHING ILLEGAL THAT I CAN'T SAY HERE- just to break even because I spent so much money on equipment, so he told me he'd give me $500 so I wouldn't -DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL-. So I promised him an endless supply of bud haha


Active Member
caught you or found out.. do you live with your parents? old enough to smoke is old enough to grow, and should be old enough to say thank you parents for everything but..........fff o ffff


Well-Known Member
That's prett sweet... I would totally take that deal too. To answer the OP title... My mom would probably just act like she didn't know what was going on since she don't smoke or anything, and knows I do, but tends to look the other way. If my dad knew, he probably would hand me $500 too for an endless supply, he loves pot. Anyway my parents don't live near me and it really never comes up in conversation so I don't know if they'll ever know... interesting thought though...


Well-Known Member
lol I remember back in the day when I was a teenager I had a plant in my room. My dad was cool about it. It never made it to flower anyway, by the time I realized you have to alter the light period to get it to flower the damn thing was about 3 feet tall and it was under a couple flouros. I ended up tossing it :P
I've been told my father use to grow it in the aussie bush before I was born but he has always denied it when I've asked him. I'm 29 and I've never even smoked marijuana or anything else for that matter. I've just started my first grow and if they found out I suspect they would just pretend it wasn't happening. It's not something we'd discuss; then again I have my own house and live in a different state so they're unable to find out.


Well-Known Member
I've been told my father use to grow it in the aussie bush before I was born but he has always denied it when I've asked him. I'm 29 and I've never even smoked marijuana or anything else for that matter. I've just started my first grow and if they found out I suspect they would just pretend it wasn't happening. It's not something we'd discuss; then again I have my own house and live in a different state so they're unable to find out.
Yeah that's what my dad was doing for a while, then he sorta brought it up while me and him were having a deep conversation, and then I decided to give him they grand tour later that day lol


Well-Known Member
WELP. Dad had a change in attitude. After thinking about what I showed him for 24 hours, he decided it was too much of a risk and that I have to get rid of my grow, since he's so paranoid. So without telling him, I'm going to replant my girls outside an abandoned warehouse where I think they can be hidden enough for the remaining 4 weeks of their flower period.

This requires moving them through about half a mile of residential area. I'll be doing this late at night when nobody would be out or looking, and I'll put them inside of a big duffel bag to carry them secretively. Any better ideas? Once I get to the train tracks I can hide them pretty well, but I gotta get them through the neighborhood without anyone being able to happen to look outside and see some skinny white kid porting a 4 foot plant down the street.


Well-Known Member
You guys are lucky. My dad has "caught" me with paraphernalia before and then he caught me growing in my apartment. At this point he knows I'm gonna do whater the hell I want to so he just told me I should finish that plant and leave it alone from then on. However, he no longer comes to my apartment, I just drive home to see them. About a 2 hr drive. I mean, if he doesn't want to know what I do stay away from where I do it. My mom on the other hand would have thrown that shit out and stopped paying for school.


Well-Known Member
WELP. Dad had a change in attitude. After thinking about what I showed him for 24 hours, he decided it was too much of a risk and that I have to get rid of my grow, since he's so paranoid. So without telling him, I'm going to replant my girls outside an abandoned warehouse where I think they can be hidden enough for the remaining 4 weeks of their flower period.

This requires moving them through about half a mile of residential area. I'll be doing this late at night when nobody would be out or looking, and I'll put them inside of a big duffel bag to carry them secretively. Any better ideas? Once I get to the train tracks I can hide them pretty well, but I gotta get them through the neighborhood without anyone being able to happen to look outside and see some skinny white kid porting a 4 foot plant down the street.
That's a pretty big plant. I helped a friend move his from my place to his, 1 building over. We threw a bag over it and i tried to hold it up so the stems wouldn't snap, but one did anyway. You sound like you have a pretty far way to go. Good luck


Active Member
I have to be careful with my parents and make sure there arent any limbs missing LOL! My folks are burnouts just like me. Pops sounds like a cool dude. I remember my pops the last time I gave him shrooms wow we tripped out with him soo hard it was hilarious!! LOL!