Kushberry - 8 weeks flowering, sick?


Light - 250w hps
Circulation fan, carbon filter & extraction fan - 400m3
120x120x2m Grow tent
8 or 9 L pot
Temp - 68-77 F
Ph & Rh - No idea
Perlite,cow-compost, soilmix (with sand and sphagnum peat)
B.A.C. Organic bloom 16 ml
Canna Cannazyme 25ml
10 L water every 3 day
Started flushing 3 days ago
Low stress training.. gone a bit bad

Magnesium / nitrogen deficiency?
Will she survive?



Active Member
Your plants look OK but severe nitorgen defiency... a low nitrogen def. is ok in late flower but your leaves look too yellow... I would say folair feed ph adjusted distilled water with about .25 TSP/gall bloom fert with nitrogen.. Don't know pH or humidity????? those are some of the most essential factors... if ph is less than 5.5 (soil) or 5.2 (hydro) you could be experiencing severe nute lockout. I have a $15 dollar pH meter I got on Ebay and it has saved my plants multiple times.... pH is absolutely essential to measure, out of alll the parameters you should know pH is a "god." :-) gpod luck man don't give up. Educate, meditate, and pass on your knowledge, free the world lol.


Thanx =) thats good news. Im thinking about 2 weeks more (too long?) World of seeds says flowering time is 8-9 weeks. She`s been in ground since may, didn`t start flowering earlier cuz i didn`t had carbon filter & fan.
I have 1 more, a Pakistan Valley=) gonna harvest in 5-8 days, camera run out of battery. Had better luck with the lst on that one.
Is it necessary to flush organic grows?


Yup, 420 scope 60-100x, thinkin about 20-30 percent amber, in a few days she will have all the light for herself, sharing with the Pakistan Valley.


Well-Known Member
Yup, 420 scope 60-100x, thinkin about 20-30 percent amber, in a few days she will have all the light for herself, sharing with the Pakistan Valley.
Hell, you could pull her now if you wanted but she might still pack on a little weigh but they're ripe, that's couchlock potency now and going pass 50% amber is kinda overripening IMO.


New Member
I would suggest next time addin some cal mag for any defiencies in your next grow that alone will give the girls what they need and keep them green to harvest my plants tended to go to the yellow side since adding my cal mag in flowering there green till chop greener the better bro and by the way good job



Well-Known Member
Do you think 2 more weeks is too long?

25th - 10 weeks flower
Looks good to me boss.^^

Check out my current kushberry.
This one is at about 5 weeks into her dance... she's only in a one gal. Pot. I'm sure she is root bound by now.... don't care its too late to change anyways.

And this one is about 4 weeks into flower... its the taller one in the front.... I put this one in a five gal. Bucket just too see how it would like it. " its diggin it."

Oh also keep in mind I only veged for about 2 and a half weeks these started out as some LST projects and then I changed my mind and threw em in the screen and flowered them the... same day.lol. I'm ADD to the T..............anyways its nice too compare bushes :-)