First time grower here and almost ready to harvest. Do these plants look ok?


I'm growing a strain of Northern Lights that said 8-9 weeks flower. I am currently 7 1/2 weeks into flowering. I'd say my trichomes are 50% clear / 50% cloudy with a few amber here and there so I think I'd like to let them go a few more days. What do you guys think? I recently tapered down the nutrients, and for the last week they've only received heavy, heavy waterings with pH adjusted distilled water. Think I can just keep watering and let them finish out? Some advice or opinions would be great. Do they look ok? Well enough to go a few more days or a week? Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Look fking good to me! Wait another 2 !! if their 50% clear looks sativa anyway. Dont LISTEN TO THE FLOWERING TIME BS THEY TELL YOU. its ready when its ready.


Ok, thank you all for the replies and reassurance. I've been really concerned about how yellow the leaves have turned, especially further up near the tops of the plants. Even the leaves that stick out of the buds are yellowing and withering up. But the buds seem pretty healthy to me. I'll keep them going as long as I can and just keep an eye on the trichomes. They won't be getting any more feedings though, I don't believe. I hope that's OK for another week or two...


Active Member
I think you did a very good job for your fist grow brother. It won`t hurt to keep them alive for a few more day`s. Remember some variations in the white family have pistils that won`t change color specially indoors, so it becomes reduntent to keep them alive for them all to change amber.


Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll just keep watering the hell out of them every few days and see how it goes! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!

I'll post an update pretty soon. Not sure where to post it. Right here? Or will it just be buried and long forgotten here?