Slight drooping after planting in soil/watering for the first time.


New Member
I guess not considering I used it for the first 32 hours. It is a hard plastic like something or other. (also it says it is for plant growing) REGARDLESS, I just took the damn thing off, hopefully I get better results.


New Member
OK so.....

1. A picture of the plastic cover from a side view 2. an image of the cover from another view 3. my setup MINUS the cover over the light.



New Member
So......I put my finger into the soil today. It was dry the first inch and semi damp the secon/third inch...should I water?


Well-Known Member
So......I put my finger into the soil today. It was dry the first inch and semi damp the secon/third inch...should I water?
I've tried to tell you, the roots do not need water and if you keep the leaves misted once or twice a day until you see new growth,
you won't need to water the soil.
I can only guess you're intent on ignoring how to tend to cuttings.
Good luck with the advice you're getting here on watering vegetating plants. I was offering advice on how to maintain newly rooted cuttings.
My bad


New Member
I've tried to tell you, the roots do not need water and if you keep the leaves misted once or twice a day until you see new growth,
you won't need to water the soil.
I can only guess you're intent on ignoring how to tend to cuttings.
Good luck with the advice you're getting here on watering vegetating plants. I was offering advice on how to maintain newly rooted cuttings.
My bad[/

The local grow store told me to only mist ONCE a week, and only when the light is off.