My BF is a dick!


New Member
He actsd like a child! He stays up till 4 in the morning playing call of duty black cops so I told him to go to bed. He was just like fuck you bitch. Then the next morning I tried to help him pick out clothes and I remind him he needs to shower and he just flips out!

Should I dump this jerk?


New Member
Well he's going to jail. He tried to round house kick me and part of his big toe touched my face so I called the cops. He was acting like a baby so I was making fun of him then WHAM!


bud bootlegger
lmao, how come you skipped out the part where he said he gave you a roundhouse to the face??
man, i'm pulling up a chair for this one..


Well-Known Member
Well he's going to jail. He tried to round house kick me and part of his big toe touched my face so I called the cops. He was acting like a baby so I was making fun of him then WHAM!
it'll be alrright, come rest your head on mama orca's shoulder... bahahahaha


Well-Known Member
He actsd like a child! He stays up till 4 in the morning playing call of duty black cops so I told him to go to bed. He was just like fuck you bitch. Then the next morning I tried to help him pick out clothes and I remind him he needs to shower and he just flips out!

Should I dump this jerk?
lol dump him. I would say yea go for it but that's not how girls like you work. you enjoy the drama and wont leave him.

Go ahead do it i know you wont.

But you really should. <<< why would you ask that question? because you are done with him but you want to make sure its ok with society before you do it. if your not happy leave.

Good luck leaving tho. Girls like you have a magnet for assholes.


Well-Known Member
What's the first the a woman does when she leaves the womans battered shelter?

The dishes. If she knows whats good for


bud bootlegger
yah, if a dude ever tried to hit you and you don't leave, and or stab him in the neck with a fork, thank you april, than shit's only going to get much much worse before they get better, if they ever do..
it usually goes from a simple round house to the face to the dude hiding out in the bushes with a knife or two and killing you and your "friend"..
run forest run, and don't look back.. but you won't, just like someone else has already said.. if you even have to ask the question of whether or not you should dump him, that right there tells me enough to know that you're not going anywhere, and that you enjoy being used as a punching bag.. for the life of me, i'll never understand people like you..


Well-Known Member
Ok i'm lost. He tried to Chris Tucker Rush hour kick you and you didn't leave in the first place?

Now he plays Cod(a good game btw ;)) all night and disrespects you to the point that he deserves to be kicked his damn self. Why are you still there???

I never get some women sometimes, and it's always the most desirable ones that are with "men" like this... Should leave without a trace.