Do you eat leftovers?


Well-Known Member
So im making breakfast out of leftovers, and i was curious.
When I lived with my dad they ate leftovers all the time, and I continue to do so.
But, now that im living with my mom's family, they barely touch them, except for the stuff they really really like.

I also went to school with alot of kids who wouldnt touch them...
Idk, i think its a shame to waste it, but they all said it was gross the second day..

your thoughts?


Active Member
Nothin like lasanga that's been left for a day, or cold pizza after a night out. I'll eat pretty much anything as long as it's not off


Well-Known Member
somebody's spoiled.


hell, my mother only cooked but 3 times a week... .the other 4 days was leftover day.... lol....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my dad didn't eat leftovers even when we were poor so my respect for my dad declined i ate leftovers .we did what we had to do, me and my two younger sisters ,,, but eating left overs was nothing after finding out dad distaind


Well-Known Member
Depends what it is. We tend to only cook as much as we need and anything else mama takes to work for lunch. I'm a bit ocd so I won't touch certain things, but the again I always feel like I have to finish what's on my plate. I hate waste. I can't stand it if people scrape what was on their plate back into the pot though, even if it's plain rice -_-;


Well-Known Member
i mean, my mom's side of the family will eat leftover stew, pizza, spaghetti, etc. but when it comes to stuff like meat, vegtables, side dishes, etc, they distain, so it gets bad and we have to throw it out


Well-Known Member
yeah you're not supposed to put stuff back into the pot after it's on the plate.

i have this thing called 'poor man's stew'...

it's basically when i'm broke i use as many leftovers i find in the fridge (that i arbitrarily judge not to be a hazard to my life); put it in a pot, add some water, and boil for 1 hour... lol....


Well-Known Member
i like taking left over meat and making it into some kind of sandwhich, or as i did this morning, breakfast burritos with left over taco meat that i cooked last night, egg, a very little bit of cheese, and lots of tapatio


Well-Known Member
some people wont even drink there milk after like 10 minutes. i'v went to bed with a glass of milk and woke up and drank it in the morning.


Well-Known Member
i pretty much live off leftovers.they never go to waste in my house someone will eat them