Mother Plant Maintenance Rep will flow freely


New Member
How long can you contain a Mother Plant in a single Pot?

Does it become root bound and have to be transplanted at some point?

Is there a Limit on how many cuttings you can take?

is there a point where you want to Flower her out and start again from a cutting as the new mother?

Can you Prune it really small for when you dont need cuttings to cut down on space?

Will it ever lose its vigor and transfer that to clones?
the longer you keep it the bigger pot you want it in.

you can take endless amount of cuttings. just have to leave enough to not stress it too much and keep it alive.

you can keep a mother plant forever without having to flower it.

The only way it loses(potency) anything is if you have a genetic mutation. Very rare. A mother plant will have the same dna as all the clones forever.
the longer you keep it the bigger pot you want it in.

you can take endless amount of cuttings. just have to leave enough to not stress it too much and keep it alive.

you can keep a mother plant forever without having to flower it.

The only way it loses(potency) anything is if you have a genetic mutation. Very rare. A mother plant will have the same dna as all the clones forever.

o you think its eaiser to have a genetic mutation if you cut of of cuttings each time? my kryptonite cuttings are starting to look different and before they were really hard to getto root an now there rooting in 7 days? lol weird
How long can you contain a Mother Plant in a single Pot?

Does it become root bound and have to be transplanted at some point?

Is there a Limit on how many cuttings you can take?

is there a point where you want to Flower her out and start again from a cutting as the new mother?

Can you Prune it really small for when you dont need cuttings to cut down on space?

Will it ever lose its vigor and transfer that to clones?

you can keep a mother plant fas long as you feed her and keep the light in a veg. state.

if you keep it begging it should be ok.

i have heard of 3 generations of cutting being taken form a single mother.

some say the longer you keep a mother the mroe the genetics get muddled down. I keep a mother for 2 crops of 12 cuttings and then flower her and start again

clones are a replica of the mother so if the mother isnt a hearty grower then your cutting will be the same. but then you get into phenotypes and other variations.

but what do I know?
o you think its eaiser to have a genetic mutation if you cut of of cuttings each time? my kryptonite cuttings are starting to look different and before they were really hard to getto root an now there rooting in 7 days? lol weird

I do not think that. I do not keep a mother plant and all my clones are from clones. Been going strong for 2 yrs on the same strain.
I never keep a mother cause im a greedy bastard and every inch of my house is for flowering. only a closet to veg with 2 t5s.

if i did start motheres i would put them in 10 gallon pots and keep them for a year
I'll add, my last mother lived her entire year in the same one gallon pot.
She was only 15 inches tall when I finally had to light her on fire and kill every mother fucking spider mite...
Sorry, rambling...
I trimmed the roots back one time during the year, kept her pruned, took four cuttings at a time, other than that she was happy.
I do not think that. I do not keep a mother plant and all my clones are from clones. Been going strong for 2 yrs on the same strain.

I was hoping that wasnt what was going on. I had them next to a different strain you think they could pull sum of their characteristics?
I'll add, my last mother lived her entire year in the same one gallon pot.
She was only 15 inches tall when I finally had to light her on fire and kill every mother fucking spider mite...
Sorry, rambling...
I trimmed the roots back one time during the year, kept her pruned, took four cuttings at a time, other than that she was happy.

she must of had a wicked root ball
How long can you contain a Mother Plant in a single Pot?
Does it become root bound and have to be transplanted at some point?
Is there a Limit on how many cuttings you can take?
is there a point where you want to Flower her out and start again from a cutting as the new mother?
Can you Prune it really small for when you dont need cuttings to cut down on space?
Will it ever lose its vigor and transfer that to clones?

I have kept a single mother in the same 3 gallon pot for several months.
I havent a rootbound issue, but never kept a mother longer than 6 months.
I have gotten close to 30 clones off 1 mother
life of a mother is how well you care for her, you technically could keep a mother for years, but would honestly probably be in a 50gal trash can lol.
So what I gather is

-If I want to Keep a strain.---Use a cutting of the Mother To perpetuate itself 3months to a year. Then Flower the Mother

-rootbound is not an issue Unless you let her Go too long
-The amount of cuttings depends on how much she can handle without getting stressed
-Making a bonsai probably wouldnt work
So what I gather is

-If I want to Keep a strain.---Use a cutting of the Mother To perpetuate itself 3months to a year. Then Flower the Mother

-rootbound is not an issue Unless you let her Go too long
-The amount of cuttings depends on how much she can handle without getting stressed
-Making a bonsai probably wouldnt work

you can keep a mother pruned down as long as you like. root bound isn't a real big issue cuz you are constantly cutting from it and it doesn't have to grow a massive amount of roots, it only has to support what is left.
So what I gather is

-If I want to Keep a strain.---Use a cutting of the Mother To perpetuate itself 3months to a year. Then Flower the Mother

-rootbound is not an issue Unless you let her Go too long
-The amount of cuttings depends on how much she can handle without getting stressed
-Making a bonsai probably wouldnt work

you can take as many cuttings as you want she will come back. and I would put her in a decent size pot at least a 5 gallon if you plan on having her for a while. just make sure she stays healthy