What is the Closest match to marijuana genetically that isnt marijuana


New Member
And can you Cross breed them?

I was thinking genetically modified Tomatoes that produce THC. But maybe there is an easier way
Like when they created Tomacco in The Simpsons? I think it's a little more difficult than making a Liger...
Liger, thats when a lion and a tiger get busy, resulting in giant mutant cats...

You never saw Napoleon Dynamite?
Like when they created Tomacco in The Simpsons? I think it's a little more difficult than making a Liger...

Ligers get Huge and I dont think they stop growing

Marijuana is Illegal almost everyplace

But just Like mescaline containing Cactus you can buy at home depot
Its only Peyote you have to worry about

Just imagine if you could breed say a Tomatoe with Weed

You would have a stonato
Liger, thats when a lion and a tiger get busy, resulting in giant mutant cats...

You never saw Napoleon Dynamite?

LOL bro I know what a liger is. Napolean Dynamite is an epic movie. I love that shit!! I just cant believe this guy is actually talking about this shit. He must be bored with alot of time on his mind. Make some butter or oil and make your own edible. This shit is too funny I cant believe this guy is serious.
Ligers get Huge and I dont think they stop growing

Marijuana is Illegal almost everyplace

But just Like mescaline containing Cactus you can buy at home depot
Its only Peyote you have to worry about

Just imagine if you could breed say a Tomatoe with Weed

You would have a stonato

LMFAO!! I just read a few pages from the GP420 thread and then I see this. WTF is going here today? Funny people.

Dude wtf? what do mean ligers never stop growing you mean we are gonna have Giant Ligers running wild. Whats next planet of the apes. What is this world coming to??
LMFAO!! I just read a few pages from the GP420 thread and then I see this. WTF is going here today? Funny people.

Dude wtf? what do mean ligers never stop growing you mean we are gonna have Giant Ligers running wild. Whats next planet of the apes. What is this world coming to??

It is erroneously believed that ligers continue to grow throughout their lives due to hormonal issues. It may be that they simply grow far more during their growing years and take longer to reach their full adult size. Further growth in shoulder height and body length is not seen in ligers over 6 years old, same as both lions and tigers. Male ligers also have the same levels of testosterone on average as an adult male lion, yet are azoospermic in accordance with Haldane's rule. In addition, female ligers may also attain great size, weighing approximately 320 kg (705 lb) and reaching 3.05 m (10 ft) long on average, and are often fertile. In contrast, pumapards (hybrids between pumas and leopards) tend to exhibit dwarfism.
Ligers are the same size as the prehistoric American lion
Now On to why I was thinking this

I have a Whole Forest of Peruvian torch and San Pedro Cactus. If you dont know what that is you can either look it up Or take My word for it. They contain More Mescaline than Peyote. Yet they are legal to own.

If we can put Fish DNA in GMO crops. Why cant we get the DNA that Produces THC and CBD in a legal Plant.

marijuana is Illegal. There would be nothing Illegal about having tomatoes that contain THC in them. Get the drift?
I have SP Cactus as well, haha, bitch to concentrate though...

And you can probably insert genes in a parent plant whose offspring may contain and exhibit said gene, but you have to isolate it and find stable cells in which to transplant it first...
I have SP Cactus as well, haha, bitch to concentrate though...

And you can probably insert genes in a parent plant whose offspring may contain and exhibit said gene, but you have to isolate it and find stable cells in which to transplant it first...

Blender, stove,filter


Bye Bye
Cannabis can indeed be grafted onto hops and if done correctly the plant will flourish.

grafting is not genetic modification, you are simply causing one plant to grow off the other in a parisitic relationship, this is also how they make pear/ apple trees and mescaline/ san pedro