What is the Closest match to marijuana genetically that isnt marijuana

grafting is not genetic modification, you are simply causing one plant to grow off the other in a parisitic relationship, this is also how they make pear/ apple trees and mescaline/ san pedro

Mescaline is a chemical compound in the san pedro and peyote cactus, natural...Nothing is grafted.
But then You would be Possessing Cannabis
That illegal
However Hops that contain THC would be legal
Not true, if you graft onto a hops plant you have both and as I understand it, it does not legally fit the definition of cannabis.

grafting is not genetic modification, you are simply causing one plant to grow off the other in a parisitic relationship, this is also how they make pear/ apple trees and mescaline/ san pedro
You are correct, however it was the most applicable answer to the ops question and currently I doubt if any RIU personnel have the ability to splice DNA.