WTF, 3 weeks in-should my babies be taller?


Well-Known Member
Well lol this is week 3 and my plants are a mere inch? WTF? Whats going on, isn't that short?

Oh ya to confirm these are sannies seeds, femenized pack to be exact


Well-Known Member
Well idk, they are in rock wool cubes, under 1k LED light, and ya been using superthrive, and just started 1/4 nute


Well-Known Member
well what would you guys recommend? A 1k HPS? Im planning on moving em into a 4x4x6.7 tent, could I do 1k LED, 1K HPS-also haha thinking of short veg (new plants few weeks) then Flower


Well-Known Member
so how many plantsyou think can fit into that 4x4x6.7? If I 12:12 them they will get what 3 feet tall total? Could I do like 2 rows lol atop each other


Well-Known Member
If its a rw cube then id say overwatering. Thats far too small for 3 weeks (1").Dont saturate the cube and let it dry more and give it 1/2 nutes now try to give the lttle thing a kick in the ass.


New Member
When it needs to. Stick your finger in the ground about 2 inches if its wet don't water, if its dry water. It usually works out to about every 3rd day or so


Active Member
In rockwool, you really need to feed them, there are ZERO nutes in there, nothing for them to feed off. Prob soak the rockwool for 10-15 minutes a day, only let the water reach about 1/2 up the cube, it will wick up the rest that it needs. I run 600w HPS in a flood & drain and basically the cubes take water 2x a day, but your LED has so little heat evaporation may not be as much. Do let the rockwool dry out some, dont want it drenched 24/7

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I have never given my hrdro babies or clones any feed whatsoever and they grow just happy and dandy, i've neve quite understood all the advice saying they need nutes.


Well-Known Member
Ok well here is what I got

growlab 120 tent (4x4x6.7

1k LED

im thinking a 600 watt HPS? Or 1k?

And I guess ill do the trick, would overwatering really stunt the growth alot?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes. By overwatering what is actually meant is that you are drowning your plant, in the very literal sense that there is no oxygen for the roots. You can kill them quite easily through overwatering.

Personally i doubt that changing the light will make any difference.

A hint, is that seedlings very often grow really slow.


Active Member
Ok well here is what I got

growlab 120 tent (4x4x6.7

1k LED

im thinking a 600 watt HPS? Or 1k?

And I guess ill do the trick, would overwatering really stunt the growth alot?
hell yeah it will man, from my experience in my current first grow i started overwatering my plant and then when my brother(who has several yields under his belt) saw my plant he could right away tell it was because i was over watering, my brother showed me the same technique of shoving your finger about 2in into the soil and see if its dry if it is water and if not let it be. but another one he showed me was lifting my pots after i watered them and then lifting them when there dry and you think its time to water them, there should be a huge difference in weight of pots so its just of mater of kind remembering the weight of when its dry. i know in your case you cant do either because of the fact your using a cube. but when i started watering my plants correctly the shot up. i could tell the that i was doing it right now because my plant were growing at a much quicker rate. what i have heard and read its alot worse over watering then under watering