The Straw poll is a fundraiser. Ron Paul spent the most money for the best booth at the little side show. It was a bidding war and RP bid the highest amount for that specific booth. RP also handed out a few thousand $30 ballots for free to people to use in the poll. You would be gravely mistaken to put any weight behind that bought and paid for 'poll' that is nothing but a fund raiser. Just a word of caution.
What the results show is the people who handed out the most $30 ballots for free did the best in the poll. Go fucking figure huh?
AMES, Iowa — It appears that while Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann beat Texas Rep. Ron Paul by 152 votes in the Iowa Straw Poll on Saturday, she gave away far more admission tickets than he did.
Paul’s campaign gave out 4,750 tickets to straw poll voters, his campaign chairman, Jesse Benton, told The Daily Caller.
Alice Stewart, a spokeswoman for Bachmann, wouldn’t disclose the number of tickets her campaign distributed. But Ben Smith of Politico reported that Bachmann’s campaign gave away 6,000 tickets.
That would mean Paul gave out about 1,250 fewer tickets than Bachmann. She won the poll with 4,823 votes, followed by Paul at 4,671. (BACHMANNIA: Michele Bachmann edges out Ron Paul for victory in Iowa Straw Poll)
Candidates traditionally give away $30 tickets to supporters they hope will vote for them in the straw poll.
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