Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
what would we do without women!!! idk,watch more tv? lmao hahahaha couldnt resist it! a cabin to go to would be great fab! really!! late 80s&early 90s were my glorydays fab!


Well-Known Member
Hey Fab! Have a killer time with your Queen and her Princess. We will be here when you get back.


Well-Known Member
My ex actually met Tony Hawk! Weird. We used to sell soap door to door. he sold it to T's dad.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
agrred! the clones,3 bags ffof,and a sony cyber shot. then said,now grow me some pot and take pix as u do it.hahahahahaha you can probly see her saying that having met her huh?!! lmao


Well-Known Member
Yes I can! She seems so hella cool. I think She knows how to crack that whip and make you like it!


Well-Known Member
Yeah! That's his name! He is Kurt Sutter, the creator of the show! hell of a make up dept huh?