DOMA In Action - what a proud day for America

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure a black is capable of doing work well enough for him to be such a valuable asset to a buisness that one would hire him. I also believe blacks are capable of starting their own buisnesses.
Where the Hell did that come from? Affirmative Action allows your "black" to attain his goals and dreams just like anyone else. Unlike that last 400+ years living in America. This isn't just about African Americans it also helps Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Indians, Native Americans and any other ethnic minority that's struggling to make it here.

Can we please get the fuck back on topic? Remember DOMA? The reason for the thread?


Well-Known Member
That would be the fault of the fire department for sending her in there not the Affirmative Action law that allows her to pursue her career without fear of harassment and discrimination. Of course since she is qualified, she is capable of saving your life with her EMT training and years of experience. There's more to being a first responder than brute strength.
Some of these laws force them to hire less qualified individuals, if the law says they have to hire a man and a woman and 100 men apply and only one woman who is not well qualified she will be hired because she has a vagina, the requirements for lap times push ups and carrying or lifting weight are lower for women, I want the best fire man not the most politacly correct fireman


Well-Known Member
Where the Hell did that come from? Affirmative Action allows your "black" to attain his goals and dreams just like anyone else.
No it does not, affermitive action presumes that a black can't get a job without government help
when he gets hired to fill a quota he has not earned his way to a job like everyone else


Well-Known Member
Then there should be the same stipulation for straight couples. Allow the spouse to claim the body unless a family member objects. It's only fair.
While it's not this exact situation, don't forget Terri Shaivo from a few years back... That happened to be the final straw when came to me and supporting any Republicans by default. They abandoned rule of law and attempted to subvert the final wishes of Terri (it had already been established that absent a written will, the spouse's claims of the incapacitated person's intent are sufficient).

Back onto the DOMA subject though... This is one of the few issues I disagree with Ron Paul on. He defends DOMA on the federal level, whereas I don't think it is any business of the federal or state governments - period. Taxes? Everyone files single, parents can claim a 'half' of a child every year... Adoption? Who fucking cares, would you rather the child be a ward of the state instead of in a loving home? A single parent can already adopt a child anyway... There's no reason to give perks to married couples over singles and common-law marriage. These right-wing hacks bitch about social engineering from the left, but wont face the ugly truth when it comes to the gay marriage bans (and many other issues as well).


Well-Known Member
I love americas theme songs.
Well im proud to be an american where @ least I know Im free... Blah blah blaaah blah blah blahblahblah blah blah' til the Feds come afteer meeee...
I like that idea... should come up with some lyrics to fill in demonstrating the rights we've given up in the past two centuries.


Well-Known Member
So it's o.k. to discriminate against an entire class of people (shades of Jim Crow) yet you guys shit yourself because a law is passed to try and level the playing field. Some Americans can't get work simply because you don't like the color of their skin. You're o.k. with that? No matter how you feel, they are just as American as everyone else and quite a few have been here longer than most European Americans. I still fail to see how it discriminates or infringes on constitutional rights. I do see how it allows fair treatment under the law. Anything else?
in order to maintain a free society, the rights of all individuals within the private sector must remain sacrosanct. the right to the unencumbered use of their own property might be seen as secondary only to self-ownership when considering these individual rights. this means that no one is entitled to any particular employment nor access to any goods or services, as all those are the property of the employer or the merchant. they must remain free to choose how they will go about disposing of their property. you may not like their choices, i may not like their choices and the rest of society may not like their choices, but depriving them of that choice is an unconstitutional abuse of the violent powers of the state.

once we pass from the private sector to the public, the state and society in general are free to place any restrictions they like on commerce. the greatest sin of affirmative action was that, under the guise of "leveling the playing field" it imposed an inherently racist system of quotas on anything even remotely related to the public sector. instead of demanding equality, it gave advantage based solely on race and this is the very definition of racism.

How? In what way?
i realize that this is a fruitless conversation to have with a statist dupe. you live and die by the ideology that gave rise to the welfare state and are incapable of finding fault with even its most corrupt aspects. that the productive are forced to support the unproductive at the point of government's gun barrel must seem as natural to you as drawing breath.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Some of these laws force them to hire less qualified individuals, if the law says they have to hire a man and a woman and 100 men apply and only one woman who is not well qualified she will be hired because she has a vagina, the requirements for lap times push ups and carrying or lifting weight are lower for women, I want the best fire man not the most politacly correct fireman
"Under the law as written in Executive Orders and interpreted by the courts, anyone benefiting from affirmative action must have relevant and valid job or educational qualifications."

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
No it does not, affermitive action presumes that a black can't get a job without government help
when he gets hired to fill a quota he has not earned his way to a job like everyone else
"Under the law as written in Executive Orders and interpreted by the courts, anyone benefiting from affirmative action must have relevant and valid job or educational qualifications. "


Well-Known Member
Like my right to travel in an automobile without a licence
Licensing I have no problem with - while our governments own the roads; however I do think roads and highways should be privately owned and regulated, by their respective owners.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i realize that this is a fruitless conversation to have with a statist dupe. you live and die by the ideology that gave rise to the welfare state and are incapable of finding fault with even its most corrupt aspects.
Really? Know me that well do you?


Well-Known Member
Companies don't hire blacks simply because Affermitive action I think those days are behind us.. but their are plenty of security companies who try to only hire blacks here in southern cali ^^


Well-Known Member
"Under the law as written in Executive Orders and interpreted by the courts, anyone benefiting from affirmative action must have relevant and valid job or educational qualifications. "
Even if you post it twice, I would still prefer they be free to hire the most qualified applicant- not just someone with relevant and valid job skills

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Even if you post it twice, I would still prefer they be free to hire the most qualified applicant- not just someone with relevant and valid job skills
If the individual isn't qualified then they don't get hired. How could you possibly know if someone is more qualified than another? That's like saying one individual is more equal than another. I'm still waiting for examples.


Well-Known Member
I think it's worth mentioning, that almost every minority I have worked with (I work in an extremely technical, white-collar industry) abhors the idea of affirmative action. This goes for the technician level jobs, and even more for the management positions. A few years ago, one of my managers explained it to me this way (paraphrased, of course): "I can't work with these quotas, when what I need is the best candidates" He was a black man, and cared nothing for AA.


Well-Known Member
How could you possibly know if someone is more qualified than another? That's like saying one individual is more equal than another. I'm still waiting for examples.
By checking their qualifications....?
Testing, and scoring preformance, in the case of firefighters push ups done in set amount of time- for a woman the required minimum score is not equal, meening a less qualified person could be hired over a more qualified individual based on their sex


Well-Known Member
Really? Know me that well do you?
well, i've explained it to you twice and i don't think you are quite so dense as to have missed it both times. it has become quite obvious that you are simply incapable of grasping the concept that, no matter how compassionate the intent may appear to be, the welfare state is based on government sanctioned theft.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine tried to get into an area city's police force. He was turned down several times. He was a veteran and a policeman with the Navajo Nation police for seven years. He was given several awards and was a pillar of his community. The people being hired were far less qualified than he was. He filed a complaint with the EEOC. He got hired. Has been an asset to the police force ever since. He wants legalization by the way. He says it's natural and comes from Mother Earth so it was meant to be used. I really like that guy. :)