Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters

munch box

Well-Known Member
I voted no. I voted for Obama, and given what is shaping up on the GOP side I cannot envision voting for anyone but Obama in 2012 (Ron Paul getting the nomination could change that definitely).

Tell me again what crime it is that you think Obama should be impeached for. Something about "trying to get laws passed"? Actually, it is Congress that introduces, debates, and eventually passes or rejects new laws. Now, if the Congress passed, and then the President signed a law which is unconstitutional (e,g. the debt ceiling law), then maaaaybe you could make what would even then be an absurd call for impeachment.

But for suggesting solutions and expressing an opinion? I don't think so.
If he forces the federal reserve to print more money without permission, it could be treason. He does not have the authority to do that on his own. remember the budget deal? Thats congresses job. He thinks hes still a legislater, but hes not.The man wants to do everything except his job, We should not have to settle for a less than average president. America deserves better.


Well-Known Member
What happen to your Republican candidate...???? Who you like with that...are you not going for Ron Paul ???
You have me confused with one of the other fellas. While I do like Paul, I am on record saying it will be a Perry/Rubio ticket for the Republicans.

The bet I offered you was a straight up Obama win/lose signature bet.


Well-Known Member
If he forces the federal reserve to print more money without permission, it could be treason. He does not have the authority to do that on his own.
I would like to know what you base this statement on. The President doesn't force the fed to do anything. That is why they serve for 14 years. The Fed acts autonomously.

munch box

Well-Known Member
I would like to know what you base this statement on. The President doesn't force the fed to do anything. That is why they serve for 14 years. The Fed acts autonomously.

Oh yes he very well could. Maybe if you watched whats been all over the news you would know whats going on. Or even better, Why don't you just ask Rick Perry


Well-Known Member
If he forces the federal reserve to print more money without permission, it could be treason. He does not have the authority to do that on his own. remember the budget deal? Thats congresses job. He thinks hes still a legislater, but hes not.The man wants to do everything except his job, We should not have to settle for a less than average president. America deserves better.
How the hell could he force the Fed Reserve to print money without permission...it would be Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to decide to do so if he felt it would help the economy...Please go look into the role of the Federal Reserve.


Well-Known Member
You have me confused with one of the other fellas. While I do like Paul, I am on record saying it will be a Perry/Rubio ticket for the Republicans.

The bet I offered you was a straight up Obama win/lose signature bet.
ok I will take that bet...90 day signature ownage

munch box

Well-Known Member
Obama has Benny in his back pocket. Just like Tim Gietner. The question is not can Obama do it, the question is will he?


Well-Known Member
Polls are private
Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity and the outcome of which, depending on the country and leads to the removal of that official from office or other punishment.
Obama has tried to pass many socialist laws that are unconstitutional. This makes him a traitor or an idiot

This includes Obama-care
Your clearly the idiot, you don't even know the difference between COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, and MARXISM.
You should step down, off your soapbox and take a punch in the face for being stupid spreading racist generalities.
Just to answer your stupid question before it hits your lips, yes it's racist to keep making the claim that somehow our president is not one of us!
Spread the wealth? Don't slather the world with your Fox News tag lines. Tax rates are lower than they have been for over 50 years, if your a business making money on the resources that the government supplies, you SHOULD PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE OF ITS USE. That isn't even socialist its Capitalism to pay for your share. If your one of those making more than a quarter million per year and have access to the same infrastructure as everyone else and your business has given you the American dream what is wrong with kicking in your share. I bet your a poor mother fucker living one SSI or something and your arguing for the same people that think your the letch on society. You better not take medicaid either or you will be just another socialist deserving of being kicked out of wherever you are and shamed like you aren't American.
So when the Patriot Act took away your right to privacy, did you even SAY A FUCKING WORD?
Stick your poll next to your broken ideals then go read a history book!


Well-Known Member
How the hell could he force the Fed Reserve to print money without permission...it would be Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to decide to do so if he felt it would help the economy...Please go look into the role of the Federal Reserve.
Exactly and I suggest you start here Munch: https://www.rollitup.org/politics/455154-american-dream-cartoon.html

ok I will take that bet...90 day signature ownage
It's in the book. Obama wins and you have mine for 90 days, the eventual Repub candidate wins and your sig is mine. Good luck sir.

munch box

Well-Known Member
does obama got the balls to do what he really wants to do? Hes been going around talking about more roads, more bridges, more stimulus, more government spending. How do you think he plans on doing all that? Does Obama got the balls to do what it is he really wants to do which is print more money

munch box

Well-Known Member
More construction jobs, means more taxpayer money for the unions, and then when re-election time comes around obama gets the money right back through undisclosed campaign contributions. The big Unions helped Obama raise over 700million for his campaign in 2008, because they knew they could get a big piece of that stimulus money going around at the time. And they got it too.


Well-Known Member
does obama got the balls to do what he really wants to do? Hes been going around talking about more roads, more bridges, more stimulus, more government spending. How do you think he plans on doing all that? Does Obama got the balls to do what it is he really wants to do which is print more money
OMG please go learn who, why, and how money is printed..


Well-Known Member
Its better for the Republicans to not have him impreached or step down. They are much more likely to get representatives of Congress if Obama stays president a little longer. At the next election2012, Its possable republicans could take contol of the senate.Could definately happen if Obama keeps telling American voters that he is smarter then all of us, and he knows what our families need more than we do.
I missed that memo! I don't remember him telling me what I need! Oh no, what will happen to me now..... oh wait, that was just the smoke getting blown up my ass making me panic........ whew!


Well-Known Member
If he forces the federal reserve to print more money without permission, it could be treason. He does not have the authority to do that on his own. remember the budget deal? Thats congresses job. He thinks hes still a legislater, but hes not.The man wants to do everything except his job, We should not have to settle for a less than average president. America deserves better.
No he doesn't, the President has nothing to do with printing more money. That is called the FED, look it up. Your on to it now, it's legislation. Now go look up how many times filibuster has been used and by whom then when.
If your any indication of the QUALITY OF AMERICANS, your getting far more than you deserve.
Lets talk facts..... those are not getting a fair shake up in here!


Well-Known Member
Oh yes he very well could. Maybe if you watched whats been all over the news you would know whats going on. Or even better, Why don't you just ask Rick Perry
Actually I do watch the news, constantly. I'd like to think I know what is going on, as much as an average person is able to. The fact is, he cannot force the Fed to do anything. They are autonomous. Can he use a bully pulpit to suggest? Certainly. That is his job, and hardly treasonous.

Perhaps you are confusing this with mention of one of the alternatives at his disposal during the debt crisis. The President cannot order the printing of currency, but he can in fact order the minting of coinage. It was suggested that he order the minting of two, $1T coins and deposit them into the treasury if Congress failed to raise the ceiling.

munch box

Well-Known Member
THAT IS WHAT I"M SAYING HE CAN"T DO IT SO IF HE DID IT WOULD BE IMPEACHMENT!!!!! Isn't that what this thread is about?