Possible changes on Sept. 7th. . .

I hate to beat a dead horse but you guys are aware of the 3/4 super majority rule in this state to modify or repeal a voter approved initiative? Nothing is impossible but the odds of getting 3/4 of all members of the state legislature to agree on going against the will of the people is a pretty tough deal to setup. Looks like a lot of hot air to me and nothing more. Now if this were a state like oklahoma or kansas....I'd be worried.
I agree that if we unite as one large voice rather than many small voices, then we will be heard. The state has already made $8 million dollars PROFIT off of rubber stamping applications alone all the while these shysty politicians who supposedly represent us trash talk the MMMA every chance they get. It's time the hypocrisy ends and the only way to do that is through uniform organization and mobilization. California and colorado have been excellent examples of what the medical marijuana movement can accomplish when like minded individuals come together to protect their sovereign rights and refuse to let the minority act as though they represent the will of the people. The last time I checked this was a fucking democracy and it's time we all remind ourselves and more importantly, remind our elected politicians!
I agree that if we unite as one large voice rather than many small voices, then we will be heard. The state has already made $8 million dollars PROFIT off of rubber stamping applications alone all the while these shysty politicians who supposedly represent us trash talk the MMMA every chance they get. It's time the hypocrisy ends and the only way to do that is through uniform organization and mobilization. California and colorado have been excellent examples of what the medical marijuana movement can accomplish when like minded individuals come together to protect their sovereign rights and refuse to let the minority act as though they represent the will of the people. The last time I checked this was a fucking democracy and it's time we all remind ourselves and more importantly, remind our elected politicians!

So what you're saying is Mr. AG and his like minded minority have 8 million dollars of medical marijuana application money to waste on his fear mongering propaganda tour. After that's gone, he starts wasting the tax payers of Michigans money on his crusade to change the peoples will and cut out most of that 8 million dollars coming into the state. In his words, to quell the tide of the greediest of the .008% of Michiganders legally involved in the medical marijuana program. (Black market anyone?)
I'm not saying money should be the only factor, i'm pointing out the absolute lack of thinking or caring on his groups part about wasting it in their moral crusade.
They must be busy, I wonder how many of the millions of pro voters they've had begging on hand and knee for changing, or clairifing the law. Excuse me, make that handing the program over to the state and local police departments.
On a side note, does anyone know anyone other than the state police who have made fake MMJ cards?
You guys remember, the fake ones they used to take down the Agro crime ring.
Did anybody realize how close that vote is to the holidays?, if all of them don't return back they still have to vote on those bills, whether it's 5 or 100 people voting.
The Federal Reserve bill of 1913 is a major example of such a thing happening.
a republic you mean?-

No I don't but it's good to see you're on the ball...lesson time :)

Whored out from wikipedia:

A distinct set of definitions for the word republic evolved in the United States. In common parlance a republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. This is known as representative democracy. This understanding of the term was originally developed by James Madison, and notably employed in Federalist Paper No. 10. This meaning was widely adopted early in the history of the United States, including in Noah Webster's dictionary of 1828. It was a novel meaning to the term; representative democracy was not an idea mentioned by Machiavelli and did not exist in the classical republics.[54]
The term republic does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, but does appear in Article IV of the Constitution which "guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government." What exactly the writers of the constitution felt this should mean is uncertain. The Supreme Court, in Luther v. Borden (1849), declared that the definition of republic was a "political question" in which it would not intervene. In two later cases, it did establish a basic definition. In United States v. Cruikshank (1875), the court ruled that the "equal rights of citizens" were inherent to the idea of republic.
However, the term republic is not synonymous with the republican form. The republican form is defined as one in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219; Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627. [55]
Beyond these basic definitions the word republic has a number of other connotations. W. Paul Adams observes that republic is most often used in the United States as a synonym for state or government, but with more positive connotations than either of those terms.[56] Republicanism is often referred to as the founding ideology of the United States. Traditionally scholars believed this American republicanism was a derivation of the liberal ideologies of John Locke and others developed in Europe.

A more in depth short paper on the topic:

6 of one-

half dozen, the other.

also most definitely not the conventional, or americanized definition of democracy.

just checking YOUR toes johnny.
If anyone thinks marijuana will be legalized and decriminalized they are sadly mistaken. Not anywhere in the world is Marijuana 100% legal and there is no way in our day and age that the U.S. is going to lead the way on that front. And honestly IMHO it shouldn't be legal for anything other than Medical use.
I think all we are doing is pushing pawns around the board here. Medical is a joke. While cannabis genuinely has medical benefits for those with CERTAIN ailments, more than three quarters of people who have it, are lying to get it. Probably even yourself.

Speak for yourself!!!!! I've seen the effects that Medical Marijuana can have on patients that REALLY need it. My patient, who is family and close to me, has major problems with eating, shaking because of her nerves, SEVERE nausea and vomiting, lack of sleep, and being sick almost every other day. I can honestly say I've been brought to tears sometimes when seeing her on her bad days. Smoking medical marijuana gives her a appetite to eat, calms her nerves when shaking uncontrollably, helps with nausea and reduces vomiting, and makes her pass out when she needs sleep. All you "potheads" can think what you want, but there are actual people who need it!
Speak for yourself!!!!! I've seen the effects that Medical Marijuana can have on patients that REALLY need it. My patient, who is family and close to me, has major problems with eating, shaking because of her nerves, SEVERE nausea and vomiting, lack of sleep, and being sick almost every other day. I can honestly say I've been brought to tears sometimes when seeing her on her bad days. Smoking medical marijuana gives her a appetite to eat, calms her nerves when shaking uncontrollably, helps with nausea and reduces vomiting, and makes her pass out when she needs sleep. All you "potheads" can think what you want, but there are actual people who need it!

Wrong , , thats why we use it , it keeps us from getting ill in the first place !
Wrong , , thats why we use it , it keeps us from getting ill in the first place !
Really? How was marijuana suppose to prevent this person from losing her Thyroid and having multiple surgeries on her neck? Thats why she has those problems.
there all money hungry crooks thats the only reason the war on marijuana continues cuz it generates income an looks out for the fat cats of america
If anyone thinks marijuana will be legalized and decriminalized they are sadly mistaken. Not anywhere in the world is Marijuana 100% legal and there is no way in our day and age that the U.S. is going to lead the way on that front. And honestly IMHO it shouldn't be legal for anything other than Medical use.
The legalization of marijuana is a totally different debate than the debate of the benefits medical marijuana has for many people.
The reasons given over the last seventy five plus years for it's prohibition as a recreational drug are still as suspect as they were
when it was told, one of the reasons to keep marijuana illegal is when black men smoke marijuana, it turns them into crazed
white women raping maniacs, and who in middle America in the fortys and fiftys wouldn't believe that?
Furthermore, the hypocrisy that exists between legal recreational drugs the government profits from, be they safe or unsafe, and the ones government profits from by demonizing and prohibiting is rather mind blowing.
While the scientific debate on marijuana continues, the scientifically proven cancer causing recreational drug continues to be legal,
and the government continues to profit off of that dangerous drug. Governments attempt to keep you safe from the dangers of tobacco amount to mandating big tobacco warn its customers of the potential risk of death when their product is properly used.
Once the NORML political action committee has the funds of big tobacco, alcohol, or big pharmaceuticals, things may change in terms of marijuanas legalization.
Until then, the hypocrisy continues.
It's funny you mention that. I was doing my homework for my Sociology course and just came across this paragraph in my book. The timing couldn't get any better.

"Karl Marx coined the term false consciousness to refer to the process by which people of lower classes internalize the views and values of the dominant class. Essentially, the dominant class can control the subordinate classes when messages that support the position of the upper class permeate the mindset of the lower classes. So long as the lower classes believe what the upper classes say is true, they will never challenge the status quo, and they will do precisely what the dominant class wants them to. This explains why Southern slaves didn't challenge their White slave owners, or why women felt their place was in the home, believing they were better suited to take care of children and the home than men are. When elites control the news and media industry, they are able to shape the public's opinion about itself and the nature of social problems."

To cover my ass in case of any copyright issues, the info above came from:

Vissing, Y. (2011). An introduction to sociology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

Reminds me of the big pharmacutical industry, along with other major corporations, and government.