Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters

munch box

Well-Known Member
He would have blamed somebody and divided the country like he always does, instead of bring people together and unite after a crisis, like presidents are supposed to do


Well-Known Member
THAT IS WHAT I"M SAYING HE CAN"T DO IT SO IF HE DID IT WOULD BE IMPEACHMENT!!!!! Isn't that what this thread is about?
Kind of a circular argument you have going there, munch. Ok, let's take it full circle then. He can't do it, but if he did... he would presumably be giving an order to someone, who orders someone else who actually prints the money. So...wouldn't it be that guy who is committing treason by following an illegal order?

Ridicuous? Of course it is, but so is the original premise.


Well-Known Member
Conversations like this happen when you have people who only listen to Glen Beck, Fox news and Rush Limbaugh while reading the Drudge Report...


Well-Known Member
He rammed Obomacare down America's throat for starters. And now what will happen is the economy will suffer becasue of it
Are you blind or just retarded
What makes you think that your opinion is that of ALL AMERICA? In "We the People" I am a people too! I wanted the health care bill, I wanted the abolishment of private insurance. It is morally wrong to hold profit for shareholders as the prime purpose of executing health care. That is an ethical problem which is also a big part of the problem with delivering medicaid and medicare. Fixing these issues will go a long way toward fixing our debt because this is actually a big chunk of wasted money according to facts. So of course I won't expect your narrow mind to comprehend it because it doesn't underscore your purpose which is hate of the President instead of care for your fellow man which you seem to somehow think you're inferring.

So your "starter" is bogus, what else you got foolio?

munch box

Well-Known Member
Conversations like this happen when you have people who only listen to Glen Beck, Fox news and Rush Limbaugh while reading the Drudge Report...
Low blow. you socialsts always name drop like its supposed to be an insult, because your not smart enouph to say anything intelligent


Well-Known Member
Low blow. you socialsts always name drop like its supposed to be an insult, because your not smart enouph to say anything intelligent
Dude you are the one QUOTING AND PARAPHRASING your pals there, so why the name drop? We intelligent folk see both sides, he is showing you that he knows where you got your bogus talking points.

Your to the point where your just calling names, what are you a 12 year old?

munch box

Well-Known Member
Conversations like this happen when you have people who only listen to Glen Beck, Fox news and Rush Limbaugh while reading the Drudge Report...
Why would the president run for re-election on his failed record when he can get people like you to hate whoever he thinks the problem is. This is how the appetite for socialism gets fed..... class envy,class warfare.


Well-Known Member
Why would the president run for re-election on his failed record when he can get people like you to hate whoever he thinks the problem is. This is how the appetite for socialism gets fed..... class envy,class warfare.
You are too blind and ignorant to see what Obama has done and what the Republican party has stop with filibuster after filibuster...If I felt that you had any conversation or debate I would converse with you ..but I think it will be best to just start making fun of you ..at least I can get a laugh out of it...


Well-Known Member
Your silly man!
More Fox News quotes! really? Your charging others with not thinking for them self?
I don't hate you bro! I also don't have class envy silly. I would charge you to point out one single thing I have stated that even remotely points to a source of envy! If you cannot understand why I think it is wrong for the largest, most wealthy companies pay less tax than a tenured teacher then you also will not understand that the only issue of hate is on your lips. Hating me for standing up for what I believe in just because you disagree is immature, and accusing me of being the hater when I am clearly trying to wipe the sleep from your eyes is completely childish.
hello! good morning!

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
The reason for impeachment is failure to honor his oath to uphold the constitution based on his actions with Gaddafi
Gaddafi had been pushing his luck for a very long time. Even the GCC states support the campaign.

Even Russia, who by a tacit approval via absenteeism during the UN resolution vote, has done little more than paid lip-service to the idea the campaign is unjust.

The "constitutional" aspect of this is pretty much a moot point. The arguments will only be rhetoric filled, and idealist.


Well-Known Member
Bush sympathizers are so funny. They want Obama to be a bad President like Bush was so badly. They can't stand the fact that Bush was so bad and they supported him that they are simply desperate to hate.

It makes me laugh. Remember how bad Bush was?


Well-Known Member
So Ike is the only Republican in 70 years to actually lower the debt ratio? Interesting.

Look at all the Dems that did.

Jack Fate

New Member
I don't think BO should step down. I think he should simply not run and finish his term and get the hell out so we can get our country back to work and repeal this nutty health care fiasco he and his corrupt pals passed behind closed doors with bribes and payoffs.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what point you are making with your graph Ryan, but two things stick out immediately for me:

There was a similar meteoric rise during wartime in the 40s, and the current trajectory was clearly set off during Bush's presidency. You can't stop these things on a dime.


Well-Known Member
Everyone bitches about Healthcare Reform but nobody is able to explain what they do not like about it. Does anyone care to give it a shot?

Is it that people can't go without HC insurance and just pass on their HC costs to those that do anymore? You want these people to continue benefitting from a system that others pay for? That's Socialism. Why would you want to return to that?

That insurance companies can no longer deny people coverage? Is that what you don't like about it? Why would you want my nephew to not have HC insurance just because he was born with allergies?

What don't you like about it? Try to be specific.