Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
To be fair, it does look like Nixon did.
Whoops, fair enough.

Since you brought up Nixon, I guess this is a good time to say that the idea of having a HealthCare Mandate started with Nixon and was a conservsative principle up until a Black Democrat agreed and put it in his bill.


Well-Known Member
You want these people to continue benefitting from a system that others pay for? That's Socialism.
What don't you like about it? Try to be specific.

Thats actually capitalism because individuals are the ones who start the insurance companies. Obama care is one that is so heavily mandated by the government it might as well be owned by the government which would be socialism .And whos to say you need HC


Well-Known Member
I like healthcare, hopefully they will add single payer into the mix..OBAMA does CARE
Talk to your State. Obama's bill sets it up so that the States can apply the minimum standards to a State run HC plan and everyone in the State opts out of the Federal plan. I live in Oregon and my state is going to be one of the first to opt out. By 2014, I won't be under the Federal Plan.

Talk to your State Legislator.


Well-Known Member
Thats actually capitalism because individuals are the ones who start the insurance companies. Obama care is one that is so heavily mandated by the government it might as well be owned by the government which would be socialism .And whos to say you need HC
Could you give me specifics? Which mandates do you not like?

Allowing people to take from a system that others contribute to is most definitely Socialism. What do you think the word means?


Well-Known Member
Here is my little rant about insurance.

We just need to get rid of insurance in general. Insurance is a middle man who is pinching your bag. You will reply " but how will i afford the hospital bill if i get hurt?" Good point but if there was no insurance The bill would be much lower.

Insurance raises the price of everything, including houses. Insurances allows hospitals to charge tremendous prices for their treatments. If no one had insurance then the hospital would not be able accept anyone unless they lower the price. This will force hospitals to become competitive again and drive down the price further. Not to mention the quality would go up because the rival hospitals will fight for that title.

If everyone thinks they need insurance the prices will remain high. This argument works with all insurance houses would become cheaper. funerals would be cheaper. all 2nd step bushiness that charged a premium will be cheaper.

Buying insurance only insures that insurance business will have a profit. We must all do this simultaneously other wsie the few who try will get butfucked..

And that is my alternative to Obama care


Well-Known Member
Here is my little rant about insurance.

We just need to get rid of insurance in general. Insurance is a middle man who is pinching your bag. You will reply " but how will i afford the hospital bill if i get hurt?" Good point but if there was no insurance The bill would be much lower.

Insurance raises the price of everything, including houses. Insurances allows hospitals to charge tremendous prices for their treatments. If no one had insurance then the hospital would not be able accept anyone unless they lower the price. This will force hospitals to become competitive again and drive down the price further. Not to mention the quality would go up because the rival hospitals will fight for that title.

If everyone thinks they need insurance the prices will remain high. This argument works with all insurance houses would become cheaper. funerals would be cheaper. all 2nd step bushiness that charged a premium will be cheaper.

Buying insurance only insures that insurance business will have a profit. We must all do this simultaneously other wsie the few who try will get butfucked..

And that is my alternative to Obama care
:shock: so open heart surgery would be cheaper if we had no insurance company and people just can pay for it out of pocket...WOW:shock:


Well-Known Member
Here is my little rant about insurance.

We just need to get rid of insurance in general. Insurance is a middle man who is pinching your bag. You will reply " but how will i afford the hospital bill if i get hurt?" Good point but if there was no insurance The bill would be much lower.

Insurance raises the price of everything, including houses. Insurances allows hospitals to charge tremendous prices for their treatments. If no one had insurance then the hospital would not be able accept anyone unless they lower the price. This will force hospitals to become competitive again and drive down the price further. Not to mention the quality would go up because the rival hospitals will fight for that title.

If everyone thinks they need insurance the prices will remain high. This argument works with all insurance houses would become cheaper. funerals would be cheaper. all 2nd step bushiness that charged a premium will be cheaper.

Buying insurance only insures that insurance business will have a profit. We must all do this simultaneously other wsie the few who try will get butfucked..

And that is my alternative to Obama care
You might consider Denmark. No insurance and no hospital bills. Although it is Socialistic. Taxes are high but everyone's happy.

And you still didn't mention any specifics of Obama's bill that you don't like.


Well-Known Member
...wealthy companies pay less tax than a tenured teacher...
No company actually pays any taxes. You the consumer pay the taxes; the companies and corporations merely adjust their pricing structures in order to collect those taxes.

You want to raise taxes on those big evil mean corporations? Fine... just don't bitch about the prices at the checkout line.


Well-Known Member
No company actually pays any taxes. You the consumer pay the taxes; the companies and corporations merely adjust their pricing structures in order to collect those taxes.

You want to raise taxes on those big evil mean corporations? Fine... just don't bitch about the prices at the checkout line.
Oh, there's a new tactic. Don't raise income taxes on corporations (yes, they have income taxes on profits), because they'll pass the expense along to consumers. That is no more believable than their creating jobs with all that wealth.


Well-Known Member
Oh, there's a new tactic. Don't raise income taxes on corporations (yes, they have income taxes on profits), because they'll pass the expense along to consumers. That is no more believable than their creating jobs with all that wealth.
You don't have to believe it, but your disbelief doesn't allow you to escape the fact that your money goes to pay those taxes every time you make a purchase. Where did you actually think that money came from that pays those taxes?


Well-Known Member
You don't have to believe it, but your disbelief doesn't allow you to escape the fact that your money goes to pay those taxes every time you make a purchase. Where did you actually think that money came from that pays those taxes?
Of course that is where the money comes from. It is profits they made from us (I'll ignore the non-consumer centered companies for purposes of discussion). I advocate their giving up a little more of that profit in taxes. Your argument fails on two counts, in my opinioin. First, it completely discounts competition. Can Sony pass on those taxes if Panasonic does not? Also, by passing it back to us, they get more profits which is in turn more taxes, ad infinitum.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Don't blame Obama. He told you exactly what he wanted to do ... and he's doing it.

For those of you who voted for him, don't say you weren't warned. He clearly said right before the election: "We are only days away from fundamentally transforming America."

Did any of you ask what kind of transformation? What would be fundamentally changed?

There were those of us who tried to point out that Obama was nothing more than a Marxist empty suit, only to be personally attacked over and over in these, and many other forums.

If you were one of the sheeple that waited in lock step at the polls to vote for Obama, you can reverse that error in 2012 by voting for a candidate that espouses free market principles. And that goes for other offices coming up for a vote in 2012 as well.

Progressives, those who espouse ever larger government and reduced economic and political liberty, MUST be thrown out of office in 2012 REGARDLESS of party. This includes everyone from the local dog catcher to the POTUS. Believe me, we can turn this around.


Well-Known Member
Of course that is where the money comes from. It is profits they made from us (I'll ignore the non-consumer centered companies for purposes of discussion). I advocate their giving up a little more of that profit in taxes. Your argument fails on two counts, in my opinioin. First, it completely discounts competition. Can Sony pass on those taxes if Panasonic does not? Also, by passing it back to us, they get more profits which is in turn more taxes, ad infinitum.
Competition has little to do with this, unless one company is given a tax break while another is not. Your second point acknowledges what I said before, being that we consumers are paying all the taxes, ad infinitum.
Even with B2B (the non-consumer oriented) companies, we still pay their taxes - when the companies that use them pass down those expenses to us in the products and services they offer.

It's estimated that we pay an average of 22% of a product's price in those embedded taxes.


Well-Known Member
Obama is not to Blame, he is just there now. our country was already completely fucked before he got here. Those that think otherwise are either racist, or republicans.


New Member
The reason for impeachment is failure to honor his oath to uphold the constitution based on his actions with Gaddafi

mmKay So what about the part of aiding our allies?
ot the fact the Senate Unanimously voted for establishing a no fly zone?
Or official US policy of Regime change for the last 3 decades in Libya
Or the 200 american men women children and babies that died in Lockerbie


Well-Known Member
I don't care for him. He is human, he made some mistakes. Big deal. The people voted him into office, so we made a mistake as well. Going to deport me? just don't re-elect him if you don't agree with all the bs he has done.

Wasting all that money and lives fighting your fathers war over oil is much worse than anything obama has done.