putting america first....oh boy


Well-Known Member
The inner workings of our government are not complex, we pay dictators to play ball, we raise and lower trading fees and create embargoes to get our way,

Ron Paul has been saying for along time, get the government off our backs and out of our pockets and the economy will fix itself,

The republican congress has done alot for us, by blocking the big government expansionists from making everyone a public employee,

Our economy went to hell interestingly in unison with the size of our government tripling, doesnt it bother you that we have 3 times the number of federal employees now, our population didnt triple, why do we need so many people pushing paperwork? we dont they have no purpose, it is like planting a garden, picking green tomatoes everyday, and still expecting to come out and find a whole bunch of red tomatoes next week, its not logical, it makes no sense, which is why we they keep telling us we need to this or that but never explain the actual reason, just that its very complicated and this is what our experts have found out. what experts? why arent they coming out and telling the american people exactly how and why their plan is better, because its not


Well-Known Member
Have you tried building Luxury Buses in the USA lately? Talk about a government regulated industry. The cost would have been double the Canadian rate due to all the BS involved.
Then why do we need those same regulations? if they are in place to protect our environment and our people then why arent we providing those same protections to our president or our wonderful canodian neighbors' environment? we do get wind from the north from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Theirs alot of stuff that goes on behind closed doors you & I have no clue about. Obama "Oks" the assassination of Terrorist leaders who knows How Often. He has alot of ISSUES on his table that need to be addressed "Now" if not "Lastweek" so when people think the Debt is the only thing on his MIND as if that is his biggest issue.. Please.


Well-Known Member
Been going on for centuries. Why does it all of a sudden piss you off now that it is a political hacks talking point?
cause alot of us are just now old enough (hittin 30s) to look back at the promises and lies we have seen to realize whats really going on, or it could just be that now withthe internet we can really comunicate these things to eachother, right now more people are turning off their TVs to get their information by researching and cross referenceing it online. i take everything with a shaker of salt, All truths to which I subscribe are nothing more than what seems to be the most likely of the many theories i have encountered.


Well-Known Member
The inner workings of our government are not complex, we pay dictators to play ball, we raise and lower trading fees and create embargoes to get our way,

Ron Paul has been saying for along time, get the government off our backs and out of our pockets and the economy will fix itself,

The republican congress has done alot for us, by blocking the big government expansionists from making everyone a public employee,

Our economy went to hell interestingly in unison with the size of our government tripling, doesnt it bother you that we have 3 times the number of federal employees now, our population didnt triple, why do we need so many people pushing paperwork? we dont they have no purpose, it is like planting a garden, picking green tomatoes everyday, and still expecting to come out and find a whole bunch of red tomatoes next week, its not logical, it makes no sense, which is why we they keep telling us we need to this or that but never explain the actual reason, just that its very complicated and this is what our experts have found out. what experts? why arent they coming out and telling the american people exactly how and why their plan is better, because its not
Where do you get your information? Because it is utter bullshit. 3 times the amount of Federal Employees? There are fewer Federal Employees now than there was is 1990.

Yes Obama added some Federal Jobs but no need to lie about it by saying he tripled the federal work force. Who do you think you are fooling?

When you lie, your entire argument goes up in smoke.


Well-Known Member
cause alot of us are just now old enough (hittin 30s) to look back at the promises and lies we have seen to realize whats really going on, or it could just be that now withthe internet we can really comunicate these things to eachother, right now more people are turning off their TVs to get their information by researching and cross referenceing it online. i take everything with a shaker of salt, All truths to which I subscribe are nothing more than what seems to be the most likely of the many theories i have encountered.
I thought you seemed a little naive. You'll learn.


America, what a country!!!!! Do you obummer supporters remember the "Shovel ready" jobs that the stimulas package was supposed to create? It was supposed to build and repair bridges, roads, infrastucture....... I don't remember one shovel being turned. Now the asshole is on his million dollar bus built in Canada promising more shovel ready jobs in bridges, roads, infrastucture......... This shit gets old and he is running out of Bushes to hide behind. He is not a leader, He is a community organizer. A commie nothing. I don't think this fool is going to get a second term. He pissed off the left by not giving them enough and he pissed off the right by giving to much. Now he is trying the centrist thing and he is going to lose. He can alwasys go down blaming Bush though. The only mistake that Bush made was trying to play centrist when the dems had total control from 2008 on. If any of you get the idea that I'm a freakin republican get over yourself. I'm a libertarian, so put that bud in your bong and smoke it. lol

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
cause alot of us are just now old enough (hittin 30s) to look back at the promises and lies we have seen to realize whats really going on, or it could just be that now withthe internet we can really comunicate these things to eachother, right now more people are turning off their TVs to get their information by researching and cross referenceing it online. i take everything with a shaker of salt, All truths to which I subscribe are nothing more than what seems to be the most likely of the many theories i have encountered.
And now you can see why we must respect our elders. :) There are those who post in this forum who are in their 70s, and perhaps even older. These are the folks who lived through WWII when FDR was president. These are the folks who remember a much freer nation, free from the trappings of the federal government. These are folks who have lived in what you call history. Listen to them. Hear what they say. When they say that Obama is a Marxist empty suit, listen up. They've seen it all before. Ever wonder why they HATE Che' tee-shirts? There's a reason. Ever wonder why they have insight into socialism, communism and fascism? Because they've lived it, that's why.

Now that you're entering your 30s, use what you're learning from the Obama administration and those who surround them, then teach your kids and their friends the truth.

Take care ...



Well-Known Member
I say we all convert to Obamanism. We will worship him & look upon him as our god. We will finally show those christian folk whats what in the world of religion.


America, what a country!!!!! Do you obummer supporters remember the "Shovel ready" jobs that the stimulas package was supposed to create? It was supposed to build and repair bridges, roads, infrastucture....... I don't remember one shovel being turned.
:lol: WOW! What rock have you been under for the past 2 years? Its seem like just yesterday the REPUBS were complaining about "stimulus" signs showing projects funded by the big bad "stimulus" bill. Just goes to show WHY they were against the signs, they dont want people seeing that the the bill THEY VOTED AGAINST DID PUT PEOPLE BACK TO WORK.

Thanks for playing.


1:10, Signs at 408 construction sites? :peace:

jeff f

New Member
the buses were bought by the secret service. they said they've been in need of this type of vehicle for over 20 years.

for the longest time, especially during campaign season, the secret service has LEASED buses, and each time it has to retro-fit it with the type of technology that ensures safety and complete 100% communication in case of emergency.

this move is expected TO SAVE TAXPAYER'S money. because instead of every few years leasing a new bus, and retro-fitting it with the technology over and over.... they'll buy 2 buses, retro-fit them ONCE, and use these buses for 10 years, maybe more...

of course, any move by the government while obama is president is obviously undermining our national pride, a move to destroy our country, an attempt against christianity...

instead of a fiscally responsible investment.... lol....

so they couldnt find an american company? we have no american company that could make this bus? yes, buy off your buddies from cananada in the union shop, north of the border.


so they couldnt find an american company? we have no american company that could make this bus? yes, buy off your buddies from cananada in the union shop, north of the border.
Im just curious.........Were you complaining back in 2004 when Bush was campaining in a Canadian made bus? Orrrrr is it different now that Obama is elected?

Bush's was was a Prevost. Where is Prevost from?


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Well-Known Member
so they couldnt find an american company? we have no american company that could make this bus? yes, buy off your buddies from cananada in the union shop, north of the border.
they did. the company that retrofitted the buses is American, it just so happens the skeleton model of the bus that the US firm uses that met the Secret Service's requirements was manufactured in Canada.

big effin deal.... wait. the president is Barack Obama, so it MUST be a HUGE deal....



Well-Known Member
you want to blame somebody, blame the American contractor....

wait!!! it MUST be the government!!!

private enterprise can do no wrong!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
it takes a special type of hatred to find a flaw in a product and to somehow reason that the CLIENT is to blame....


Well-Known Member
they did. the company that retrofitted the buses is American, it just so happens the skeleton model of the bus that the US firm uses that met the Secret Service's requirements was manufactured in Canada.

big effin deal.... wait. the president is Barack Obama, so it MUST be a HUGE deal....

No actually what makes it a big deal is what Barack Obama said in the very link you posted in the other topic:
"We've got folks in America driving Kias and Hyundais. I want to see folks in Korea driving Fords and Chryslers and Chevys," Obama said, drawing applause.
"I want to sell goods all over the world that are stamped with three words: 'Made in America.'"- Barack Obama

It proves his dishonesty. You can fight with the secret service argument all you want, but the president is commander-in-chief and has full authority over the secret service.