Yea, last year taught me a lot about going without rain for a long period of time. This year most of my plants went into holes, and mulch was introduced for moisture retention, which worked really well. I used cedar mulch which actually helped with bugs, I did however or do have to pull back the mulch to feed. Next season all of my plants will go into holes, it's just better over all for me, easier to hide the plants. This rain we are getting now is very welcome, there is nothing like rain to perk up your plants, it makes feeding much more effective. Heavy rain late in the season is poop, much rather have heavy rain early in the season, mold grows like crazy late in the season when conditions are perfect for growth, and anti mould agents can't be used. As a collective we should pay very close attention to state police choppers in our area, wish we could set up some sort of early warning system like in Cali, some radio station out there will announce whenever there is large movement by the authorities, cool. Technology can help, remote game cam's camera's can now be remotely accessed on cell phones, we don't have to subscribe to a specialized plan any more. Well good luck with your grows.