East Coast Guerilla Growers

I know how about it. Past month we couldn't buy a rain shower. Now there isn't a single sunny day in the forcast for the next week. Just comes with the territory when growing guerilla style. Heavy rain late in the season can becom problematic.
i plant minein rows going down hill sometimes if it calls for to much rain i law plastic sheeting down so they dry out. i only do this sometimes in the last weeks of flowering. if its super wet out. if the buds have alot of moisture the plant will suck the water in they need. and dry out the buds. keeps them from rotting
i plant minein rows going down hill sometimes if it calls for to much rain i law plastic sheeting down so they dry out. i only do this sometimes in the last weeks of flowering. if its super wet out. if the buds have alot of moisture the plant will suck the water in they need. and dry out the buds. keeps them from rotting
food for thought
rain was real heavy for like 12 hrs hope all of babys are good have to check this week
I hear ya. Got like 4inches of rain here in like 12 hrs. Raining again today. Weird weather this year. I couldnt buy a rain shower last year in august. This year I took the extra time and effort to make a battery powered pump to water my ladies. Only hAd the chance to use it three times this year. Guess it could be worse.
Outdoor Grow
If you can call N GA the east coast I have a question. I have a 50" female showing pistils. Isn't 8/15/11 early? The days are 13.5 hrs x 10.5 nights. I have another lighter colored right next to it that is not showing yet. I pulled up the males last week.
Do I start now with flowering nutes for this one?

My Grow
5 gal buckets
7 hrs hard sunlight, buckets painted & shaded via plywood
Bacto Premium potting soil 90%
K-mart manure 10%
Miracle Grow Tomato & Fish emulsion @ 50% recommended dosage every 2 weeks done twice.
1/2 gallon watter each every AM
Yea, last year taught me a lot about going without rain for a long period of time. This year most of my plants went into holes, and mulch was introduced for moisture retention, which worked really well. I used cedar mulch which actually helped with bugs, I did however or do have to pull back the mulch to feed. Next season all of my plants will go into holes, it's just better over all for me, easier to hide the plants. This rain we are getting now is very welcome, there is nothing like rain to perk up your plants, it makes feeding much more effective. Heavy rain late in the season is poop, much rather have heavy rain early in the season, mold grows like crazy late in the season when conditions are perfect for growth, and anti mould agents can't be used. As a collective we should pay very close attention to state police choppers in our area, wish we could set up some sort of early warning system like in Cali, some radio station out there will announce whenever there is large movement by the authorities, cool. Technology can help, remote game cam's camera's can now be remotely accessed on cell phones, we don't have to subscribe to a specialized plan any more. Well good luck with your grows.
Should have mentioned that with mould in the budding phase of growth you can use baking soda. Google it for exact use on your plants. I did use it last year, some heavy and some light, what I noticed with heavier use when my plants were dried some of the baking soda was left behind. I charged extra for that weed, said it was laced with PCP, no, no just kidding, but I did have to re-bag it as there was baking soda falling off ending up in the bottom of the baggies, harmless but something to keep in mind.
I know how about it. Past month we couldn't buy a rain shower. Now there isn't a single sunny day in the forcast for the next week. Just comes with the territory when growing guerilla style. Heavy rain late in the season can becom problematic.

Yea, it's better for me if we get no rain. My 7 girls are about 30-40 feet from a parking lot. It's easy for me to water, I just
gotta go early A.M.
Outdoor Grow
If you can call N GA the east coast I have a question. I have a 50" female showing pistils. Isn't 8/15/11 early? The days are 13.5 hrs x 10.5 nights. I have another lighter colored right next to it that is not showing yet. I pulled up the males last week.
Do I start now with flowering nutes for this one?

My Grow
5 gal buckets
7 hrs hard sunlight, buckets painted & shaded via plywood
Bacto Premium potting soil 90%
K-mart manure 10%
Miracle Grow Tomato & Fish emulsion @ 50% recommended dosage every 2 weeks done twice.
1/2 gallon watter each every AM

Flowering starts gradually outside. The plants sense the days shortening and being to flower. SO outside it wil come on slower than if you were growing inside and switch to 12/12. You should start feeding her flower food.
I wish female weed plants were like women who live together. They say when women, mothers and daughters, friends and such live together their menstruation cycles sync up. I wish that worked with my girls and they all flowered at the same time. Oh well.
well guys chopper been over a grow in jersey i just read this story on internet in murice river state troppers have black heli was hovering four like 3 hrs over woods near buddy he had to move his off property mam this year they are fyin alot watch
part of the game i have been watching them since i was old enough to remember, i heard next year that their federal budget is getting cut.
Last week i saw a footprint that wasnt mind in the dirt around my plants so i set up a fishing line trip wire on the deer trail tht leads to my plants on sunday. I went back today and it was broken and more footprints were there. I have no idea who this could be thats visiting my grow but it deffinately isnt a cop. My grow is deep in the woods. It's pretty sketchy.
Sounds like their there more then you are bro.
Be careful and don't hurt them to bad...lol
Im the same way man i'm always checking the trails for sign i grew up in the backwoods of the Appalachian mountains so it comes natural for me. As a kid i found countless mj patches if you walked the same trail more then 2or3 times i could track you right to it. Why it's so important to always change paths and use cutbacks.
Last week i saw a footprint that wasnt mind in the dirt around my plants so i set up a fishing line trip wire on the deer trail tht leads to my plants on sunday. I went back today and it was broken and more footprints were there. I have no idea who this could be thats visiting my grow but it deffinately isnt a cop. My grow is deep in the woods. It's pretty sketchy.

Are your plants in containers or in ground? Pain in the ass to move but worth it if you can.
I wish female weed plants were like women who live together. They say when women, mothers and daughters, friends and such live together their menstruation cycles sync up. I wish that worked with my girls and they all flowered at the same time. Oh well.

Thank You & Pickle8,

Thanks Guys, I'm really green. All I need to know now is how often and I'm good to go this year.
Every time I water? I am restricted in doing the MG flowering thing and have gave it a 1/4 recommended dose mixture already. I water 1/2 gallon every AM. I tried letting them go and they drooped after 20 hours so 1/2 gal daily is good.
They say alls fair in Love, War & Growing Pot. If you told anyone my money its them and they know where you are when they check them. Why steal them before harvest time.
If you did not tell anyone them I would watch from afar at a different time than normal.

And to me, Sadly, their days are numbered, you better get some pots and move em fast.