East Coast Guerilla Growers

Good Thread! Anybody got there girls tucked in under the trees?

seems to be a bulletproof idea for the copters but at the same time growth is real sloooowwwww
Good Thread! Anybody got there girls tucked in under the trees?

seems to be a bulletproof idea for the copters but at the same time growth is real sloooowwwww
the real only way i would throw my plants under trees is if the chopper kept flying repeatedly over the same spot. beleive it or not you can hide them so well they arent noticed. when i lived a few hours away i was growing 3 plants on my 1/4 acre lot. the cops came one time looking for the previous residents. i was sweating bullets because they came within 10 ft of my three girls and they never seen them. on the other hand those plants were the only plants ive seen hidden well.
yeah man there deff not getting the full light potential but they still get some here and there as the sun makes its way across the sky! security should be the number one goal in western ny even if they just make a few little nugs each.. its also free and not from mexico!!!

low stress training i figure will also help disguise them ;)

she gets it early morning then filtered till 3-5 then she gets some more direct light.

You can see the stick propping her up she's tried to grow out from under the tree. I't's a Aurora indicia.
ive known ppl to grow in damn near complete shade, seemed to work for them although i wouldnt do it myself... i no what ur sayin about blazin a trail with loppers mae,its a bitch but i no in the end itll be worth it for a good spot.
I have 2 plants growing in probably 4 full hours of direct sunlight the rest is partial sunlight. Too many damn trees and brush here that there aren't any open patches. I had to clear an area and watch the suns path and chop down a few trees so that they could get some sun at all. But they are healthey and would have been big if the fucking deer hadn't bit the stems in half. Now they are 1.5 foot bushes. Bummer.
yea my spots dont get the sun i would like, but ive still got some good looking ones. i thought the sun would be higher up in the summer but it didnt get as high as i thought. so i gotta take out some trees to the south.
yea the deer are a bitch i have yet to try it but i hear pissin around your plants will keep em away bc of the human scent they stay away
yea the deer are a bitch i have yet to try it but i hear pissin around your plants will keep em away bc of the human scent they stay away
when i had animal problems i shaved my head and sprinkled my hair around the site then every time i went out there i would piss around the area and it solved all my animal problems
i dig holes and put rubber made garbage can or bin in the ground clear a 10x 10 area place a old blanket down then a tarp then burlap on top of that i make it so it runns watter down hill to my bin. i do this a yr before i plan on planting and i cover the burlap with tree branchs and leaves. it takes a yr before it gets covered over good and you cant see it. iv even put rocks and logs on top of them. it nice having 30 to 40 gallons when it gets super hot. never put this rt at your spot. and dont try piping it to the spot. i also make clearings and plant brush torn trees and dig my holes yrs before i us them. i have about 30 spots that hold about 20 plants each. i only plant 30 i rotate spots. i like that the spots dont look distubed when i put my plants in. and trails are very hard to see.
whats up tristate in the building normally im indoors but im studying now for next summer so im gonna be poppin n and out learning from u guys whats the normal planting day or around about for our area
tried and true my ass....lmao.
Use liquid fence 15 dollars a bottle and will last all year. This is tried and true.And 100% effective.

I make my own. Well, sort of. Reading the labels of those kinds of sprays I noticed they all contained some sort of pepper and garlic. I get a gatorade bottle or something similar with a wide mouth and add about a teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and garlic powder. Add water, shake and let sit overnight. Then I strain out the solids and add to a sprayer bottle. You need to strain it or it will clog up the nozzle. Spray it all around newly transplanted plants like you would liquid fence. Did a few tests and it doesn't seem like it damages the plants either, although I wouldn't recommend soaking them in the stuff. Came up with this last year when I was on a budget and have used it since. Even gave up on the old mothball and soap technique. :)

The "potion" can use some improvement. I'm looking for a way to 1) make the capsaicin from the pepper and the volatile oils in the garlic more soluble on water and 2) find a way to make the solution stick a little better as it needs to be re-applied regularly.