Who Likes Guitar


Well-Known Member
this dude is awesome! check him out



New Member
i seriously have played guitar for like 30 + years but now i play this kind of music on the week ends :))[video=youtube;lew0nIS2PZk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lew0nIS2PZk&feature=related[/video]


Well-Known Member
I want to hear you play like Carlos Santana, exactly like him though.. Play it like your playing it for god. do not disappoint god.
I just love Guitar. I don't know to play it I am heavily interested to learn to play it. Some really nice video are here. I am always enjoy when the guitar tunes are tuning.


Active Member
I've been playing for 15 years. I play mainly metal, with acoustic/classical on the side. You'd be amazed at how classical trains you for metal... I'm no Steve Vai or Tosin Abasi, but I get down...