Male of female


Well-Known Member
i was told that u could tell the sex of a plant on either 4-6 sets of leaves. and some of my plants have like 8-10 sets of there leaves and i still cant tell.

what is is the best way to tell sex of a plant.



Well-Known Member
this is the plant from above 8 days ago and i have been using this stuff called plant food on it and it got huge in the plat 8 days.



Well-Known Member
READ THE FAQ sorry for yelling, no I'm not! Come on guy growing good weed takes knowledge and your going to have to put effort into it; ie READ, READ than READ some more. It is impossible to tell the sex of you plant now especially from those pics so again read FAQ.


Well-Known Member
put the lighting schedule on 12/12 and wait a week or so...males will grow sacs, females will grow white hairs first


Active Member
you wont be able to tell the sex of your plant until your 2-3 weeks into flower... or you cold try clonning if you dont want to wait... but plant doesent seem bigg enough to take clone from.. how old is it?


Well-Known Member
its only a few weeks old.
and i will go and read the faq sorry about that.
i just dont want to fuck up u no what i mean.


Well-Known Member
what are the preflowers.
and if i start to flower them now will that even work, and wont they stay that small see i was always told to let them get like 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall before i change to 12/12 for flowwering.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
what are the preflowers.
and if i start to flower them now will that even work, and wont they stay that small see i was always told to let them get like 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall before i change to 12/12 for flowwering.

you dont go by height. you go by age. you usually start to flower after 4 weeks.

and preflowers are either male or female. either has little grapes, or footballs, which is a male. or white hairs if its a male. and no it wont stay that small, unless you leave it in that pot. you need at least like a 2 gal. but 3 is better, i use 5. you can also use a 2 liter bottle.


Well-Known Member
u mean white hairs are females right, they both cant be male.
"i just had to be and ass and point that out"

ok i will change the light cycle tonight.
thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
do i have to change over all my CLF's to the yellowish ones. since i am changing the light cycle to 12/12. or can i mix them.

could i leave the plants the pots they are in until i can tell witch are male and witch are female, i have them in 2 quart pots.


Well-Known Member
for christ sake!!!!, its a seedling a few eeeks old, and ur askin if its female ro not!!! 12 ligth 12 darkt hen ulll find out, if it has a pear shape green thign with 2 white hairs its females and if it has balls its male


Well-Known Member
they are like 5 weeks old.
i will change the lights to 12/12.
if i do the change and it is to early can anything bad happen.


Well-Known Member
ya man i understand that your antsy for buds
but also remember the earlier you start flowering less you will yeild unless you revert back to veg witch will stress your plant and cause super slow growth for 1-3 weeks
my advise whould be to wait it out a few more weeks it will form preflowers on its own when its a mature plant then is when you want to flower
that will also give you time to read the FAQs and save for beter lights!
good luck with the grow

btw- you shouldnt smoke arownd your plants like that... cig smoke is full of nasty toxins that your plant hates!


Well-Known Member
ok because i changed my lights to 12/12 last night. and i dont want to have to keep changing the lights cycle.

now even no i started the flower light cycle wont the plants keep getting bigger or are they just going to bud and not get any taller.

and since i changed the light cycle do i have to change all the clf's to yellow or can i mix the lights.

i am not in any hurry i just want as much info as i can get now so i dont have to ask later no what i mean.