help help my plants gone to sleep


Well-Known Member
hi guys...just been to check on the plant as it was supposed to be watered yesterday but i didnt get chance..well, as i goto the room i see that my baby has twisted at the stem and is now lying on a 45 degree angle :(
theres about 3-4 weeks left on you think she will hermie????

i havent forced it to straighten as i think it will sort itself out?? i gave it a couple of litres of water and ill check on it again tomorrow :(


Well-Known Member
If she's going to live, she should perk up fast. Under-watering they recover quick, overwatering they take forever to die.


New Member
if it flops over its because it lacks water. Just give it some water and in a day or two it'll be better
I dont know how you get lack of Co2 from obviously said he needed to water, so water it and it will be fine, some strands of MJ will tolerate drought very well, as long as there is one living leaf, and your steam isnt completely tore or anything...


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, i hope shes fine!
its a cheese plant so i think they take stress quite well??
ill let you know how she is in the morning!


Well-Known Member
hi everyone just an update.....

she was in wexactly the same position today so ive tied her up to a good upright position, just hoping she straightens out now....its strange cuz she has no signs of a health issue other than the angle...the plant is still in perfect shape

im really hoping she wont hermie :(


New Member
its hard to say without pictures whats going on. Does the stem have a weak spot in it? Steak it up and it should heal after a while. This is called supercropping, when you squish the stem and let it repair. This allows more nutrients to flow through.


Well-Known Member
Super cropping is a lot like what happened to your plant. Stake it and tie it. The stem should heal up real nice.


Well-Known Member
hi everyone..

its not like supercropping ...whats happened is that the plant, from the bottom of the stem, has somehow twisted overnigt and lay the plant on a 45degree angle...ive tied it back upright now and i hope it will just straighten out

the crazy thing is that the plant, on its 45 angle was as perfect as if it was upright, no droops, sags or signs of stress at all, just a twisted stem...

i lst a lot so twisting i am used to.....but only if ive done it, this one seems to like it so much it twisted the whole plant in less than 24 hours by itself !

ill try n take some pics tomorrow, but its at a upright angle now so you wont be able to see the way it was!


Well-Known Member
ok guys...didg get chance to get any pics...but...i think i found a reason

.....i think its possible the buds are too heavy for the plant and its caused it (with help of the fan) to turn on its side

i insopected it and all the branches are seriously flimsy, and only the first 3 inch of the stem is i think the weight of the buds and the air from the fan has tilted it just seems crazy that it happened in less than 24 hours.

im keepin my eyes on her so ill keep u all updated!! i pray she doesnt hermie :)


Active Member
stake her up and you'll be fine. It takes time to turn hermie, doesn't happen overnight. Indoor plants fall over regularly dependent on strain and fans.