The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Well I guess a little hiatus from moking is in order then. Wow listen to the stuff tip wants to do, you need to get together with my son, he is planning on making his own jack ass movie lol
If only video cameras were about like are today when I was 14 lol, recon i could write a book on wiping out on skate boards bmx bikes skates and just on me feet.
was written by a French douche bag so what can you expect, as the article states, they don't really produce too much in France so what the fuk would they know about it anyway. Totally hypocritcal unsubstantiated bullshit that someone dreamed up because they couldn't be bothered actually being a proper journalist and going out to investigate. And GM, oh please give us a fukking break. I don't see many huge science labs splitting Cannabis genes to make GM crops. What a load of SHI-TE.


Ahahahahah, that amuses me. Even if it was increasing in %, i dunno, selective breeding, no different to why we end up with lots of good looking rich people. I was closing down at work and someone popped in, 55-60 odd woman, started chatting about cancer and this moved onto todays sotry about extacy and then onto weed. She was trying to convince me that skunk has been genetically modified with the same drug that is used to treat schizophrenia and as such when smoked was creating an opposit effect :lol: told me very stermly not to confuse alcohol and cigarettes with drugs. Sorry what? :D last i checked all the fucked up families, abuse, unemployemnt and such, largely stemmed from alcohol abuse, but it's age restrived and controlled right :lol:

And i ent no jackass wannabe, those guys are bonkers, i'm just completely convinced that i can make the jump without much fuss :D How the lower roof holds out is a different question entirely :lol:
Tip your a nutter lol you need to at least check to see if its a gd get away if you do test it get some one to film ya :)
I never made the plan with getaway at the front of my mind, i just figured it would be rather exotic to jump from a 4 story building and roll into the pub :D Makes the beer and cider that little more rewarding :D While i'm not fearless, i have little thought of self preservation :D I've two brothers who are more than welcome to die of old age pulling their weekly pension :lol: my current game is based on mathematics, the idea being you gauge the speed of a vehicle and start crossing the road at amn angle and time where so barely misses you, alas too many think i'm trying to get run over and just stop, killjoys.
How are ya anyways Tip.

Man that kitten looks lost west i think it wants you to adopt it lol

How is westy and gang.... has she had any twinges yet
No twinges yet, it has dropped quite a bit, the top of the bumps not as hard as it was now the middles hard and lumpy lol. I wish i had room to adopt cats, three was a push in a 1 bed flat with two ppl and now my old gal has passed over rainbow bridge I think i wont get any more till someone else dies.
Good Morning Mr west. Played a bit of golf yesterday. 82. couldn't putt for the life of me. But was a great day. Hope ya havin a good one mate.
Good Morning Mr west. Played a bit of golf yesterday. 82. couldn't putt for the life of me. But was a great day. Hope ya havin a good one mate.

82 is pretty good man id be well chuffed is i got an 98, let alone an 82 lol. Ill be playin monday, hope to get round the ton mark lol if im lucky and keep the 7's off the card
Hi westy just dropping by to see if there is any news. Golf tomorrow he says! Ok so no news yet, have fun tomorrow man :)

Just finished trimming up some Caseyband man, she's sweet.
well we jus got back from the hospital, the princess is in early labour at 2cm dialated so we came home for a bit to see how it goes lol