Club 600

My condolences to the family Bill, that is tragic, far too young to go and with a family as well. Very sad.

I used to not believe in ghosts, but today something strange and tragic happened. My wife's best friend's husband died today, one minute he was fine taking a shower, and all of a sudden he stopped breathing. Massive heart attack and he just turned 30 last week. Leaving behind a wife, son, and an unborn daughter.
2 minutes prior to my wife getting the call from her best friend my 3 year old son insisted that there was a ghost in our side yard. And later in the evening he was insistent the ghost was back. This is not the first time he has done this, and usually it is around something significant to death. The passing of a family friend, around his grandmothers ashes, and sometimes in the front yard. Makes me wonder sometimes...

I see the Club has a new Club member, very clever.

Peace, DST
Thanks for the complements everyone :-)

Thats a tragic story, im sorry to hear.
Thats some wild stuff with your son. Children have been said to posses interesting capabilities... no scientific proof or nothin I guess.
I know how that feels. Lost my grandma this year in the winter, a family friend last year and the year before that our landlord but he was also a friend to us. I sware the area around here deff has ghosts. 1 day it felt like someone was above my shoulder looking at me giving me a creepy feeling so I grabbed my camera and took a pic to find 3 white orbs.
I used to not believe in ghosts, but today something strange and tragic happened. My wife's best friend's husband died today, one minute he was fine taking a shower, and all of a sudden he stopped breathing. Massive heart attack and he just turned 30 last week. Leaving behind a wife, son, and an unborn daughter.
2 minutes prior to my wife getting the call from her best friend my 3 year old son insisted that there was a ghost in our side yard. And later in the evening he was insistent the ghost was back. This is not the first time he has done this, and usually it is around something significant to death. The passing of a family friend, around his grandmothers ashes, and sometimes in the front yard. Makes me wonder sometimes...

Wild dude. Your kid's sensitive. I bet all the animals like him. My grammy was like that.

Really sad to hear. I just can't imagine. Being through some hard stuff lately, I honestly can't imagine a kid growing up having never even laid eyes on their father. Blessing to those three (two and a half, you know what I mean). And blessings to him as well... I hope he can have some peace watching his kids grow up.

And blessing to you and your family BC. It's tough on you all too.
I'm in no way religious in any Western or Eastern way anymore, but I have had several bona fide near death experiences (NDE is the pretentious acronym for it) that involved either sickness or physical trauma where I ceased to live for short periods of time, and had the full out-of-body-floating-up-above-myself-looking-down-in-puzzlement-at-my-dead-body before getting "sucked" back into my body as I'm resuscitated and stabilized. And parts of my life also flashed by like I was there, things I had never thought about since they happened so long ago, just bits of inane conversation with a stranger, or random moments, flashing foward and back, sometimes linked events, sometimes not.
The whole hollywood production.
Not sure if it is because of my immersion into cinema and popculture and fairly extensive religious background all combining to color the thoughts of a fading brain, or if it was really happening.
At that point it doesn't really matter, because what will happen will happen, and I've even surrendered myself to it on a few occasions when I felt enough was enough, but the sucking back into the body keeps happening, so here I am annoying you all with my rambling dime store philosophies.
I said it in another thread, not to be mentioned.
It's always so obvious, but never hurts to have it repeated:
Life is so short and tenuous. Learn to love yourself, your family, your friends, and find some joy in the things you are able to do, alone and with others, no matter how small it may seem. Enjoy your hand full of circuits around the sun as much as you can without hurting someone in the process ;-)
Peace, and my condolences, bc.
I don't know what it is, but there is more to the universe than this mortal body we inhabit, and he will always be out there somewhere. :-)
Id say the holywood version is based off of other peoples "life" experiences. I loved the "rambling" btw :-)

I had heard of the 5-DMT-whatsit, but didn't bother looking into it (I'm a THC man, myself).
Close-minded me thought it was some new designer Rave drug.
Very interesting.

*I can say this, if any care to read, or wonder:

I never once felt fear or anguish, pain, sorrow or regret while in that state of being.
All was quite calm and neutral, no angelic music or anything ridiculous like that.
It was like you had smoked the most awesome bowl of your life, and everything was groovy.
It was truly like when The Dude was flying around after getting knocked out. Except for the falling at the end. ;-)
Just kind of blissful and groovy.
That's the way it always felt for me.

Back to seizing a little bit of life by the gonads with some work on the "album cover".
Peace to all and good night, and good morning!
Thanks for the complements everyone :-)

Thats a tragic story, im sorry to hear.
Thats some wild stuff with your son. Children have been said to posses interesting capabilities... no scientific proof or nothin I guess.
Thanks, but that wasn't me, it was BC99 who posted Pothead. ;)
awesome stuff guys, both killing it big time.

Some nice shots up in here , Bc- Whdat -Cof- G app..
heres my addition Dog Kush -waiting to get chopped:)View attachment 1742968View attachment 1742969View attachment 1742970
View attachment 1742973
Cheese side nugs View attachment 1742971View attachment 1742972View attachment 1742974

And i have some thing else brewing...

Well that's me just finished for the day. 6 hours to reconfigure my bloody grow room, ffs. However I hope it improves things just a tad.

Removed my 8inch ruck from its box, hung it in grow cab with reducers down to fit my cool tubes. This is connected to 3 cool tubes with 2 600's and a 400mh, this is then ducted outside and pulls air in from outside to cool the lights.
I then hung a carbon fan with a 5inch ruck which will run 24/7 to draw air out of the cab. There is also an inline fan running some fresh air in from outside the cab as well.

Outsode if the cab I made a little chimney using drain piping. The chimney has 3 inlets and lead of to the main chimney that takes air out of the house. Each inlet into the chimney is fitted with a backdraft stopper so that when one fan is off the air is not then mixing and flowing back out through the ducting of the other fans (which it tended to do before!)
All I need to do now is get a new cover for my carbon filter (it's quite brown from sitting in amongst all the plants.) and some extra ducting to run from myveg tent to the large house extractor that runs 24/7.
I put in 2 trays of Exo cheese into flower today, a few regular pots with exo's in them, a Chillberry Kush as well. I have a rather large Casey and a rather large Livers which will go into the cab probalby tomorrow or Sunday once I have potted them up.
Now to have my lunch at the back of 4, shower and get stoned!!!!

Peace, DST
thats the problem with DIY and being stoned.....especially when trying to hang 15 plus kilo of glass tubing..."things falling", and not necessarily into place.
I truly feel I relate to my babie's a lot better when I'm buzz'd :mrgreen: It helps me slow the fuck down, and think about the task at hand, and think about it, and think about it, and.........:blsmoke: ....:hump:
You've been working too hard and your priorities are a little skewed.
get stoned first and everything else will fall in place.

lol i love it couldnt have put it better myself.
I just took a Sour Cream joint to the face loaded with hash and i must say Brave me. I also started some seed im going to put straight into 12/12 mostly freebies i just wanna get rid of. Critical +, Red Cherry Berry (BarneysFarm),Blue Widow,and Kandy Kush