Finally Popped The Question


You are too funny

It took me until i read that sentence...

next line is for you!

It sounds crazy to us.

But I've met people online and talked to them every day for a couple of years and gotten extremely close to them as if I'd known them in real life. Not just about common interests, but really getting people to open up about how they work and what's going on in their personal lives. Then again, I met people on websites that most people wouldn't want to admit having a profile on- no one is going to (know how to, or want to)fake having a profile on a therianthropy forum... without being caught out immediately. I've made some solid friends, and when I met some of them in real life (one was so nice to fly over from Canada with her brother) it felt like we'd been with eachother forever. She can back the next summer too.

One of my best friends met her boyfriend online. What's sweet is he is a dealer with a very nice car and alot of money, but genuinely a wonderful guy- I can see, scratch that, FEEL the chemistry when they're together.

But assuming this woman has said enough and for beardo to fall in love with her or lead him on enough to want to marry her THEN not sounding so excited about it, either she's an ungrateful somethingI'drathernotsay or she's stringing him along. He's the internet fun on the side.

But beardo, I still want to see you a happily married man one day with a wife who deserves you <3
No offence kuroi.. but i cant read all those wiggly letters.

i was serious about the last part of my last post :lol:
ok, so im extremely medicated right now off some mango kush, is this man getting a mail order bride? if so, i say go for it, ive seen them work out plenty of times.
Well me and my gal have been together 30 years next year. Good times and bad times we stuck together till a few years back, then we devoriced. We are still together happy as ever. BUT if I had to do it again I wouldn't get married till I was 90.
kuroi, this is a fake situatation a think

Just like you to say something like that, I really did ask a woman to marry me but she hasn't given me a solid yes or no, I think she's still considering it. Why do you have to try to dehumanise me? As if I am incapable of feeling love or wanting to spend the rest of my life with someone? Yes I asked someone if they would marry me, no she is not a mail order bride, She is a beautiful woman and seems like a good person and I think she's pretty cool and honest, yes I am serious about wanting to get married and settle down and I'm not playing games, I treat me women well and don't plan on getting divorced if I do get to marry her.
look it up theres more than one spelling. someones always gotta try to be mr. knowitall. let me rephrase it tho for mr. knowitall tho... be smart get a prenuptial
Just like you to say something like that, I really did ask a woman to marry me but she hasn't given me a solid yes or no, I think she's still considering it. Why do you have to try to dehumanise me? As if I am incapable of feeling love or wanting to spend the rest of my life with someone? Yes I asked someone if they would marry me, no she is not a mail order bride, She is a beautiful woman and seems like a good person and I think she's pretty cool and honest, yes I am serious about wanting to get married and settle down and I'm not playing games, I treat me women well and don't plan on getting divorced if I do get to marry her.

hey wow um... i thought you were just playing around... hard to tell when you are serious or just trolling
hey wow um... i thought you were just playing around... hard to tell when you are serious or just trolling

Just because I may formulate affinity in a different way that most people doesn't make my emotions any less sincere, as a matter of fact I think I know what true love while many people never have the chance to experience it so they just pretend.
Don't ditract from the sincarity of my thoughts just because they differ from yours-
Hope it goes well Beardo, I know a guy that met a chick on myspace and they hit it off pretty good. She packed up everything including a child to be with the guy and they've been together for over 5 years now. It's a different world we live in and you'll never know where you'll find love.
My nephew fell in love with a chick in the Philippines. He married her and once she got her green card - divorce. Well, I know him so I don't blame her, I'd divorce him too.
I would like a t-shirt with you and your bride on it Beardo.I saw ya makin some tee's the other day and was like"shit...i want one of those".So now with the new news i would like to request one.Tell me you couldn't make up some bad azz wedding tee's!
No matter what you do, if she says yes, GET A SEPERATE BANK ACCOUNT. I know a handful of guys that kissed their hard-earned money goodbye after divorce. GET A SEPERATE BANK AND ALWAYS HAVE CASH SAVINGS BURIED SOMEWHERE. I have cash that my girl will NEVER touch. And it's not being greedy, that's your money. Too many people confuse joint bank accounts with "love."

OH, and yea, I'm not saying you're going to divorce. But back up plans are a necessity.