The UK Growers Thread!

kevin murphy

New Member
them buds are defo worth the wait the jack the ripper went down a treat...stella just to make sure haha,hows the uk growers all grows goin good..


Well-Known Member
thats the only conclusion I could come to seeing as you have time to be on here 24/7, splash out ridiculous amounts of cash on seeds and have land that isnt neighboured lol.


Well-Known Member
I get so tired of political correctness, you can't even smack your kids anymore!
Well guess what? My Dad used to hit me all the time when I was a kid. Once he even hit me with a wine bottle and I-

...Sometimes on cold mornings I iron my underwear because it makes my package warm.


Well-Known Member
the other possibility is that his money grows on trees.. or bushes...

thats the only conclusion I could come to seeing as you have time to be on here 24/7, splash out ridiculous amounts of cash on seeds and have land that isnt neighboured lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Happy birthday Don have a great one, although sounds like it can be nothing but good from the sound of that breakfast. I mean pudding with breakfast, behave!

The grinder is a V syndicate job, like £-4 posted off ebay, slightly smaller than a credit card and slips into ya wallet or jeans nice and easy, no big bulge walking around town :D

Along with a bit o cheese as is the norm :D

I bought a rack of bbq spicy ribs and some potato salad for me dindins :)


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Like a cheese greater innit. As i say, doesn't do the best of jobs but it's a lot better than just doing it with your fingers :) hate sticky fingers.

Breeders in the past have stated that their quoted times were from the change of the light cycle, not from when they had pistils or were alternating nodes or mature enough, just the light cycle, presumably for simplicities sake.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Right, i'm gonna stop being a pillock and get these seeds and addresses sorted out before i go leaving it yet another week :lol: Anyone else? Got more than i know what to do with.


Well-Known Member
A little boy goes up to his dad and says "Dad where does poo come from?" Dad explains that food enters the mouth,and passes down the oesophagus to the stomach. There digestive enzimes induce a probiotic reaction in the alimentary canal to extract proteins before the waste products descend via the colon and rectum to emerge as "POO". "Fuck me" said the little boy,"Where does Tigger come from then?."

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ignore me then. FINE! fucker¬! :p

they're both technically right. As i said, breeders often just base their flowering time on the light switch, i assume for convenience, not accuracy, but yes, in reality, flowering doesn't start until it's mature enough and pistils have formed and the likes. EAsiest answer would be to say take the breeders timing, take that from the flip to 12/12 and then just give or take a few weeks, they're rarely spot on, the number of pheno's that float around due to half arsed breeding jobs, it's often hit or miss on their advertised timing.

Short answer: Fuck flowering time they're done when they're done or when you deem them to be done.


Well-Known Member
yeah, gotta agree with tip top. most of us when we started growing followed the 'written' word as far as times went but after a few grows you end up chopping them whenever u personally decide its fact tbh when u decide its ready just give them another week, everybody is desperate as hell to harvest most of the time and usually chop too quick.