Is styrofoam safe?


Well-Known Member
I have a couple 2 gallon styrofoam containers that I thought would make good pots. I was wondering if there's something in it that could leach into the soil and kill the plant or possible make it poisonous... What do you guys think?


Active Member
I believe styrofoam is quite safe. It's used as a growing media in hydro. I use small pieces at the bottom of the pot instead of rocks for drainage.


Well-Known Member
Styrofoam is a petroleum product. Rub a piece between your fingers for a minute and you'll feel the oil. It prolly makes a fine pot. Although I don't know anyone who grows in them.


Well-Known Member
if styofoam leaked oil by rubbing on it you would have an oil slick when you poured a hot cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup. i don't buy it even if it is a patroleum product.

Styrofoam is a petroleum product. Rub a piece between your fingers for a minute and you'll feel the oil. It prolly makes a fine pot. Although I don't know anyone who grows in them.


Active Member
Plastic is a petroleum product too. People often start their plants in styrofoam cups.


Well-Known Member
if styofoam leaked oil by rubbing on it you would have an oil slick when you poured a hot cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup. i don't buy it even if it is a patroleum product.
Makes sense to me. But it doesn't leach into your coffee. But really, try rolling a styrofoam chip in your hand. It'll turn oily.


Well-Known Member
depends on what type of styrofoam really. i dont thinks its really harmful either way but styrofoam does carry ratings. some are food rated and some are medical rated. obviously the medical grade coolers would be safer. but if you can store food in it and eat out of it then its safe.

i know this because i came up with the idea of putting my totes into styrofoam coolers to help the rez temps in my recirculating dwc system im trying to put together. its proven quite the challenge to find a matching tote and cooler size wise. i have found a couple that will work but i want something that fits snug.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I do not think it would be a good idea at all to use styrofoam to grow in. Some plastics and petroleum based products can have very bad chemical reactions when they come in contact with certain other products and such. Take a Plastic bath Shower surround. If you use the wrong glue, it will have a chemical reaction and start to melt. Take a styrofoam cup and pour gas into it. The cup will not even slow down the gas from hitting the floor. Which makes me think that adding some chemical Nutrients could possible also have a adverse effect on the cups.
Now I am not sure of this happening. But seeing how the styrofaom can have a chemical melt down with one substance makes me wonder if there might be others.


Well-Known Member
if you really like the coolers for your application you can always just use some 2 mil or thicker trash mags to line the coolers. then just fold it over the edges and cut the excess off. you can just use a bungie cord to hold the plastic in place.


bud bootlegger
if you really like the coolers for your application you can always just use some 2 mil or thicker trash mags to line the coolers. then just fold it over the edges and cut the excess off. you can just use a bungie cord to hold the plastic in place.
I was thinking something along these lines for the person who wanted to use the cooler.. i know that say loewes and home depot sell nice thick plastic wrap for ponds that would do the trick for lining a cooler imo..


Well-Known Member
yeah that stuff is a little pricey though. they have that 10x7 piece for $35 and its only 0.30 mill. they do have the 20 mill stuff but its $55 for a 10x12 piece. a bit on the pricey side. you can buy 32 4 mill 42 gallon contractor bags at hd for $20. 4 mill is super thick and would be fine imo. but if you wanted to spend the money that 20 mill stuff looks awesome. thanks for pointing it out to me. that goes in the old file cabinet upstairs.