Finally Popped The Question


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking this chick is a player, It's been a day since I asked and she hasn't said yes, I was hoping to get married tomorrow night, oh well I guess she's not the one, now I have to do my own dishes, I'm kind of sad about it, it's a curse I have I can't be with a woman I like, oh well i'm going to find a slut who's down to bang for the night and get wasted and try to forget about it.
Aw, beardo, I think you deserve a nice girl who's wild in bed. Don't get yourself too fucked up in a bad way.

No offense if you've still got feelings for her but it's girls like that who screw up really nice guys and turn them into complete dicks, as in only thinking with and for aforementioned appendage. You're a really sweet, honest person and a great thinker- it's drives me nuts when I see qualities like that beaten out of men because they think 'why bother' after a while.

Keep me updated on your ladyhunt <3


Well-Known Member
Aw, beardo, I think you deserve a nice girl who's wild in bed.
I think I do to, but no one ever wants to do it full time, and being with someone different all the time gets old....kind of
It just sucks to always be with someone you don't know talking about the same shit as the last one, just to get laid, go seperate ways and then your alone again and it all starts again, I could dig just being with the same person all the time. Oh well for now it's one night at a time, last night was fun..

Sara Saw It

Active Member
This is a strange thread, no doubt.

But don't get married. ever! And don't be the guy reading these replies from your fellow RIU friends two years from now when your life is hell because you are trying to escape her, the marriage, and the situation. Take the "I told you so" advice now.


Well-Known Member
This is a strange thread, no doubt.

But don't get married. ever! And don't be the guy reading these replies from your fellow RIU friends two years from now when your life is hell because you are trying to escape her, the marriage, and the situation. Take the "I told you so" advice now.
Don't worry about it, I think i'm going to be single for awhile. She didn't say yes and didn't seem like she wanted to move in with me, she said something about the sun here being bad for her skin. I don't know maybe she's scared of herpes or hepatitis but I don't see what the big deal is especialy if we were married, well now i'm trying to forget I ever asked and get on with my life, I had been celibate a long time then a couple weeks ago I broke down and got laid, now i'm going to be a full time whore monger for awhile again, i'm not sure I'll ever settle down, well lots of work to do today- Sorry but it looks like you might never get wedding pix or t-shirts