

Well-Known Member
i've been growing a plant for about a month now. ive done a lot of harm to it but it still lives. my problem is the soil. i used different things and now im nor sure whats in the soil. ive noticed a big nitrogen def and plan on investing in some good nutrients. my question is should i try to rectify the problem with this plant, the two sets of leaves on the bottom are a lost cause, and the growth is slowed and stunted. im sure of all of this.
should i just start over with new soil, i was thinking fox farm.
should i try to get nutrients and fix it, i was thinking fox farm again or advanced nutrients.
im on a budget though so any help is appreciated.


Active Member
i've been growing a plant for about a month now. ive done a lot of harm to it but it still lives. my problem is the soil. i used different things and now im nor sure whats in the soil. ive noticed a big nitrogen def and plan on investing in some good nutrients. my question is should i try to rectify the problem with this plant, the two sets of leaves on the bottom are a lost cause, and the growth is slowed and stunted. im sure of all of this.
should i just start over with new soil, i was thinking fox farm.
should i try to get nutrients and fix it, i was thinking fox farm again or advanced nutrients.
im on a budget though so any help is appreciated.

If you want to add nitrogen, throw a handful of bloodmeal over the soil, and if you have the room, a layer of soil over that.

If you can fit it into your budget...

1 bag Ocean Forest 1.5 yards
1 1/2 cups powdered dolomite lime per bag ($3.50, home depot)

Foxfarm nutrient trio, aerated tap water.

+ proper ventilation & lighting and you can't go wrong.

edit: March '09 posts: 28?


Well-Known Member
. my question is should i try to rectify the problem with this plant, the two sets of leaves on the bottom are a lost cause, and the growth is slowed and stunted

have any pics?


Active Member
tip burn... normally sign of nitrogen burn, its minimal, back off your nute a little for a few feedings.


Well-Known Member
that is N deficiency and its mid stage... feed her, and don't let her be over watered cuz then she wont take up any nutes at all.

N deficiency; yellowing/dieing of lower leaves and is climbing up the plant, lime green plant. feed her with half strength nutes every other watering for best results(900-1500ppm)
Nitrogen moblie.jpg


Well-Known Member
im very confused. if it was a nitrogen deficiency why would the tips, even of the new growth, be brown? if it was too much nitrogen then the leaves would be dark green. right?