Going to California


Well-Known Member
actually tommy hosted the cannabis carnival in san fransisco last year. :mrgreen: we keep telling you we have EVERYTHING here. :hump::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,,I'm back,,first off lemme say thank you fdd2blk for the awesome reception and arrival gifts,,they made for a great week,,you are one cool dude and if you are ever in my area my door is wide open to you and will get the Red Carpet Treatment I feel I recieved from you,,thxs again man

well,,,Cali was awesome,,seen the old island prison,,drove over 3 bridges,,Golden Gate,,The Bay Bridge,,and another one,,starts with an R or W,,lol,,seen some of Oakland,,some of San Fran,,drove almost to San Jose one day,,the coast is amazing though,,,awesome driving,,all turns and hills and hairpins,,and driving like right on the edge of giant cliffs,,the views were awesome,,checked out a 100 year old lighthouse,,Giant Redwood trees,,seen deer everywhere,,hawks,,couple of eagles,,even a dead wild boar where I stopped to puff one day,,cities are great,,but if I win the lottery,,you can bet your ass I'll be buying 10 acres up there in Sonoma or Mendocino,,train ride was an awesome idea,,seen like 5-6 states,,Colorado Rockies,,Donner's Pass in Cali,,just amazing scenery all the way,,,I gave the HoLE trip a 10 outta 10:hump:

here is just a few random pics,,some are Cali,,some are along the way

Keep on Growin




Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Wicked Hole, Glad you had a great time. Glad you are back, nice pics lol. So did you persuade fdd to get his ass down here May 3? lol. :peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That looks like a really nice place you guys stayed in....Im sorry I was not able to catch up with you. It was a very rough week for me.. I would like the contact info for the place you stayed though....looks real quiet and remote....


Well-Known Member
glad you had a great trip hole. my girlfriend is going to modesto and moneray next week to visit family. i wasnt able to get off work.


Well-Known Member
i miss you hole.

i wish I coulda missed the outbound train,,permanently:hump:,,and became a Sonomian:mrgreen:,,

Keep on Growin


hey,,you come here in May,,I'm on a budget now,,savin up to move down the street from you:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you shoulda seen who was runnin that outbound train mwuhahaha. you would have missed it on purpose. choo chooooo all aboard, on the koosh express. excuse me while engineer koosh nods off for a bit lol j/k. sounds like a great trip and glad it was fun. those cali hippies and their kick ass pot haha.


Well-Known Member
you shoulda seen who was runnin that outbound train mwuhahaha. you would have missed it on purpose. choo chooooo all aboard, on the koosh express. excuse me while engineer koosh nods off for a bit lol j/k. sounds like a great trip and glad it was fun. those cali hippies and their kick ass pot haha.
lmao,,was that you who jammed the breaks for a field mouse when I was tryin to take a leak:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin


EAMON {2:00 am}

Active Member
every stoner should hella move here to California.. bc when that big earth quake happens and we become our own country you dont want to be cut off from the mainland... hehehe im a helllllaaaaa high so i hope that made sense...one love and God bless