I wish i was smart enough to take advice from a "COMEDY" show
Sigh. Sadly....he represents millions of other mindless asssholes who think the same way.
ONE good thing about RICH folks is....thank god, they generally "donate" millions to good cause FOR the "Tax break". Well....who cares? Long as some of thier excess amounts to MILLIONS and GETS to this or the other charilty.....it's the same ultimate resut as actually pauying their fair share of taxzes. (The SOBs) and their money getting to the poor in some other way.
Let's take Oprah for example. Besides just GIVING away millions of her own bucks every year, she also gets a "tax break" for her donations. Which, in turn, makes MORE of her money available for MORE donations.
Sadly......ALL Uber Rich aint as Humanitarian as Oprah. But IF they were? Hey man....screw taxing the rich more! Im fine with them just GIVING their excess dough to worthy causes.
The beauty part of the Ultra Rich choosing who to give their money to is, they get to choose which cause they want to enrich.
If it wwre me (suppose I wone a 200 million dollar lottery), Id choose to GIVE 150 million of it to Animal Rescue agencies. That would be MY choice. Some other uber rich guy might choose to give it to starving kids in Adrica. The choice is pretty much irrelevant----long as the Uber Rich GIVE substantial funding to some worthy cause.....who cares IF they are taxed or not?
IF they pay bigger taxes, their money will go to whatever the Gov thinks is most important. Suppose Im a multi billionaire and dont WANT to fund the war in Afghanistan? Suppose I WANT to help the goddam whales but dont believe in War?
Of course....any rich Mofo who does NOT choose to give?
Cut his fucking head off and feed his body to the Poor.