My poor baby sprout!! HELP Plz


Active Member
Ive germinated & planted plenty of seeds i no wat tha fuck im talkin bout
using a dome with the light one inch from the plant isnt a good idea the only thing you gonna see
boil is your plant. 24hrs a day should only be used for autoflowers 18/6 is jus right. and yea the plant
does need rest keeps stress off of it. doesnt make it grow any quicker. im not the one asking questions
so dont reply to me. One mans opionin is not fact,, so fuck urself bitch..
no scientific fact is fact. . . plants dont need rest PERIOD its scientific fact and you dont know wtf your talking about.there i said it and stick by it.plants dont have internal organs and do not need to rest like animals do.and if you've grown enough then you would know that it indeed does make it grow faster i did a side by side grow and the 24 hr subject grew 4 full inches taller in 4 weeks compared to the 18 hour subject (same strain and cloned the same day) and if you knew what you were talking about you would CERTAINLY know that floros wont burn plants.they will actually touch the bulbs and not be harmed.


Active Member
The thing you popped off was the outer coating of the seed... The less we mess with our plants the better.

The best thing you can do is keep it at 50-60% RH with that Dome, + Get a good light. And keep the temps below 95, above 70...

You cant use that dome forever, You are going to need ventilation. Plants like to exchange the used up Co2 in area, and need the leaves to be stimulated (a fan blowing on them)

When the plants get mature enough, They are going to need darkness for 12 hours.and low humidity.

Feel free to ask anything! no question is a dumb question


Active Member
lights should atleast be a foot from plant so it wont stretch or stress
are you able to lower and raise your lights?
why are you posting to help when you know nothing? hes using floro lights if he puts them a foot away they would stretch like fukn crazy!


he has t5s not t12s i have t5s and they will burn at an inch close and they grow bigger than an inch a day
so why bother putting em that close


Well-Known Member
I have t5's. About 6" away from top. I took the dome off cuz it traps a lot of moisture. Don't want Damping Off. Get some more cheap bag seed. The germ process is ez once you get it. Seeds only need heat and moisture to germ. Then the dome come off. My t5's have two switches for about4 bulbs each. I only use four out of eight bulbs to get em going without burning em. I'm only guessing here but I think there was too much moisture in your case and the seedlings needing O2 just damped off. No biggie. Not much time lost. Let's begin again shall we?


Well- So far this morning she's still standin!! I think while I'm waiting for these perk up I will start a couple more seeds.....

Will the T5 High Output light I am using work until I'm ready to start flowering my plant? If so, what type of light should I get for that period?? Or can I buy more T5's and if so.... How many would I need for a couple of plants??


Well- So far this morning she's still standin!! I think while I'm waiting for these perk up I will start a couple more seeds.....

Will the T5 High Output light I am using work until I'm ready to start flowering my plant? If so, what type of light should I get for that period?? Or can I buy more T5's and if so.... How many would I need for a couple of plants??
hey man i went to sleep last night so i couldnt reply haha.
but yeah man the 2 leaves that poke up can shrivel up at the end.
mine did and now its standing upright and looking more alive.
just let nature run its course.
the more you poke and prod at it the less chance it has to survive
clill out dont worry when i pop germ seeds i put each seed in a egg carton with Fox Farm soil and leave them either outside in a spot where they get adout 7 hours sun light or under just a normal household lamp for about 12 hours but the cardbord egg crate only because its gonna retain extra water which you suld give 2-3 time daily and when you move it to a pot burry it uo to its leaves thats what i do and by the time my plant hit 5 foot the stock had a 4inch raidus strait beefy but remember to sex it in 4-5 weeks


clill out dont worry when i pop germ seeds i put each seed in a egg carton with Fox Farm soil and leave them either outside in a spot where they get adout 7 hours sun light or under just a normal household lamp for about 12 hours but the cardbord egg crate only because its gonna retain extra water which you suld give 2-3 time daily and when you move it to a pot burry it uo to its leaves thats what i do and by the time my plant hit 5 foot the stock had a 4inch raidus strait beefy but remember to sex it in 4-5 weeks
Most of the people so far have said not to water it too much - and even thought my soil looked to wet. Thanks for reading and for your input!


Just wanted to update that my sprouts seem to be doing okay -- Haven't done a whole lot of growing - but they definitely aren't dying. The one that had the beginning leaves wilt/shrivel up looks as if it's trying to get some new ones going.

I've read a couple of posts on this - but wondering if there's a specific time limit before damage occurs:

My other seedling still has the seed attached at the top - doesn't appear to be doing much and has been like this for about 3-4 days now -
How long can it remain on the top before maybe I should attemp to remove it??? Thanks for any replies!! Greatly appreciated!


Well, the sprouts didn't make it. :(
Just made too many mistakes -- and even after all the research and reading I did before starting -- I didn't have a clue...
At least that's what I discovered after visiting here

Thanks to all of you helpful people at RIU!!