The day, i got bustard


Well-Known Member
well here i was, sitting on me bed with an once of marijuana, when i get a new once i like to go abit crazy, so half an hour later, i was very baked, smoking hydo watching a dvd just chillen out alil, and then i thort i heard the back door open, so i placed the bong and chop away, then there was a knock on me door, i was shitting bricks, then i hear the knocking again, so here i am freaking out, my fathers says open up i want to talk with you about somethink, all i could think about was, i'm so fucked, (my parents are christans) and so i open the door, and sit down on my bed, with the tv going watching raod trip ( i love this movie) and dad sits down and starts talking to me and i'm looking down at the ground, and he stops talking and asks me to look at him so i ever so slowly start looking up ( i was thinking i'm so dead) and then he looks at me and says i look like weird, i was freaking and then what happened next will amaze me forever, he started talking about marijuana and how it messes ur head ( church was talking about drugs and drug uses, i never whent to church i hate them all) he was saying it messes u up etc and the he look at me again and said well not that i care it never fucked me up when i was a kid ( i thort i was just tripping out or somethink) and then he started telling me he only goes to church to keep my mother happy, and they he toled me mother was asking about the smell that comes out of my room sometimes, but toled her it was out side, he asked me to follow him to to his shed out side, and turns the lights on, they walks over to the bar frige and pulls out a beer, and then to the tv, puts some random dvd on, and toled me to get the bucket from behind the tv, i didnt know what to do i just couldn't move, so he looks at me, then he got up and walks over to the tv again and reaches behind the tv and brings out some really old, hippie looking bong, and then walks over to a draw ( near the fridge) and pulls out alil marijuana, and had a toke, and i still standing in the door way ( omg i thort my dad doing drugs, no this just cant be ) he turns around and tells me to have a seat and hands me the old smelly bong, i'm just looking at him, then he hands me his bowl and i packed the smallest cone ever and smoked it, still scared in being set up, but after a few hours of watching tv, drinking, beers, smoking weed, he tells me he does this every friday night, and so from then on i smoked weed in the shed with him, most nights, so the night was getting on and i was going to pass out soon, but he tells me one more thing he wants me to know, he gets up and stumbles over to like a mini garden shed, and open the doors wide open and omfg hes growing his own pot, omg my old man rocks, lol but i am new at growing marijuana in my room, just thort you guy might wanna know, wat happenes to other tokes lol this only happened 2 weeks ago, but just goes to show even your own parents might be doing pot without you knowing, just as u r doing pot with out them knowing lol :peace: peace out my fellow friends


Well-Known Member
hmmm.... cool... my mum smoked hash, so i got her some and she said wtf is this... I was like hash, she started laughing and got her own shit out and said this is hash .

;) I smoke with my mum ;) MY dad allway's puke's after a toke.. :)


Well-Known Member
my mom tokes too. my dad on the other hand does not know anything.

my mom even lets me grow in the shed. what a cool fucking mom, everyone should have one like her.


Well-Known Member
heh guess i'm lucky my whole family smokes .. i mean you name it.. grandma, uncle, both aunts, my mom step dad .. hehe the list goes on


Well-Known Member
LMao that is so fuckin' awesome dude. I wish my dad was cool with it.

I've never told him straight up, but he HAS to know. I mean, anyone who looks at me would know (I assume)

I'm gonna smoke with mom before I move out. I told her she has to (she used to be a hippie type, but now is conservative...but only when other people are around really. She never denies it, and admits she'd rather I smoke than drink.)


Well-Known Member
That was a really great story.:blsmoke: I envy you so much. My dad is a devout protestant and so is his wife. My mom just doesn't have an interest in weed and tells me to use less substances during the week.:lol:


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
I am old enough now and everyone in my family knows I smoke so I don't worry. Hell everyone I know knows I smoke...hehe...
But it seems no one wants to tell anyone else they smoke...from my experience, after 10 minutes alone with just about anyone...we are both stoned...haha!
I have smoke weed in Sacramento on top of the capitol building with a federal judge, 4 lawyers, my buddy and a janitor named Jose...


Well-Known Member
I am old enough now and everyone in my family knows I smoke so I don't worry. Hell everyone I know knows I smoke...hehe...
But it seems no one wants to tell anyone else they smoke...from my experience, after 10 minutes alone with just about anyone...we are both stoned...haha!
I have smoke weed in Sacramento on top of the capitol building with a federal judge, 4 lawyers, my buddy and a janitor named Jose...
ya its amazing some of the people youd never think smoke actually toke up on a regular basis. i smoke with 2 college professors a couple times a week. they love my buds.:peace:


Active Member
Man what a cool story. I wish I had parents like that, considering telling mine soon. An man I am fucking baked right now.


Well-Known Member
o dont worry we an't going to tell a soul who knows us, but ihave to say it has been great its like awhole new side of my father i never knew about, this is our lil secret lol


Well-Known Member
Yea I smoke with my ol' man, mom, and uncle its nice. But I knew this woman who after her son moved out to college she was cleaning his shit out found a joint and smoked that bitch lol. Its amazing to find out your parents smoke, but embarrassing when your mom can out smoke you and any of your friends...

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
thats awsome bro, my parents recently found out i smoke, theyre not cool with it, they said they "want me to want to stop" lol, but theyre not un cool with it either, they said its my choice. (well obviously lol) so i guess its all cool. :bigjoint: