
Well-Known Member
There is something very wrong with anyone that derives pleasure from torturing small animals.

I am a hunter and fisherman, and have been for over 40 years, and the child who posted this needs serious help.......

This is not hunting, or defending your property, this is the action of a sadistic punk - nothing more.


Well-Known Member
pictures of dead animals DO effect me. there was NO need to take it any further.
That's good, you've got humanity in you... however I do believe there was a need to take it further, this thread is a great example why.

With all that we are capable of as humans, are we not capable of understanding the importance of all life... why is this basic concept so far in thought to so many?

There is something very wrong with anyone that derives pleasure from torturing small animals.

I am a hunter and fisherman, and have been for over 40 years, and the child who posted this needs serious help.......

This is not hunting, or defending your property, this is the action of a sadistic punk - nothing more.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
then why did you edit it?
Because I am not a complete asshole, the point was made and the pictures served their purpose...

yo , would you step on a fucking cockaroach if you saw it?

Nope, I get a plastic cup, put it over the little guy... slip a piece of paper under it, carry him outside and release him into the grass... as I said, I respect all life.

it's like, in order to stop child abuse, i'm gonna beat this child in front of you.

some twisted logic.

It's true... beat a child in front of a large group of people and see how many people that changes, I can bet it will be a lot...

I in no way condone beating of children though, guess my kids will be lucky in that regard.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the pictures served your purpose don't pretend that they did any good to anyone else

your logic is flawed a lot, more like a lot of people would be disturbed by a child's public beating

trauma never has a positive benefit, wtf man, this is the kind of crap my psychologist parents pulled on me as a kid, and its crap

use your word man and your brain, not shock trauma by putting up pics that make most people cry and fear each other, fucking mob mentality insit a mob and get everyone else to prove your point



Well-Known Member
the pictures serverd your purpose dont pretend that they did any good to anyone else
They weren't meant to do "good"... those pictures are far from good... they were meant to shock, as that is what happened when I saw the first pictures in this thread from the OP... yet others seemed to enjoy them.

Sickening wasn't it? A bit like my pictures were... if you didn't feel sickened by the OP's pictures, well, then you've a problem.


Well-Known Member
OKAY so i am surfing all of our favorite social networking site and low and behold ROLLITUP decided to use THIS THREAD as todays link....in other words, rollitup just posted a link to this thread on their wall, basically advertising it, IMO bad idea.


Well-Known Member
They weren't meant to do "good"... those pictures are far from good... they were meant to shock, as that is what happened when I saw the first pictures in this thread from the OP... yet others seemed to enjoy them.

Sickening wasn't it? A bit like my pictures were... if you didn't feel sickened by the OP's pictures, well, then you've a problem.


Do unto others as they've done to you
But what the hell is this world coming to?

Blow the universe into nothingness
Nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear
We all shall die

Time is like a fuse, short and burning fast
Armageddon is here, like said in the past

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear
We all shall die

Soon to fill our lungs the hot winds of death
The gods are laughing, so take your last breath

Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear

Fight fire with fire x8

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I showed the same passion and anger toward both sets of pictures and now we have another person who thinks they can influence others without respsect for anyone, you are no different then the op

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
No he gets, he just has no idea how to express his emotions without a demonstration from the opposite human response,

" . . . . .see that, im not like them . .. . . "

weak man, and it just makes you look malicous and manipultive


Well-Known Member
I showed the same passion and anger toward both sets of pictures and now we have another person who thinks they can influence others without respsect for anyone, you are no different then the op

Except the fact that I didn't create a thread to glorify killing of others...

Had this thread not been posted, had this OP used his human qualities for good... those pictures would not have been posted.

In life, bad must be shown to promote good... why do animal abuse commercials show pictures of mistreated animals?

Because if they showed healthy, playful puppies... no one would donate.

Same effect, different situation.


Well-Known Member
you are a human being not a ad campaign

ment to make money, dont confuse profits with passion or care

Look, you're a great human... you have these feelings of offense and disgust towards the pictures posted in this thread... that is what is important, those that do not get disgusted are the ones who have something wrong.

Whether or not you agree with my deliver of this point is completely your right, however nothing will change my opinion that images like this must be shown to those who feel no compassion towards the other life on this planet, I knew I would offend those who share the same views as I about that life... hell I offended myself by those pictures, do you really think I want to look at that?

Also, I see ..... edited his post, thank you sir... a good man you are.
