feral cats pooping in the garden.. lol


Active Member
should i bother getting it out or just let it fertilize the dirt?
i know cat piss is pretty strong, should i try to keep them out?


Well-Known Member
Get a dog if you can. But ya keep those cats outta there....One of my buddies had a cat that liked to eat MJ leaves little bastard.
Rabbit/chicken fencing around the bottom should keep them if there not to determined to poop and piss in there.


Active Member
thanks to everyone who didn't suggest i shoot at a cat, i'll set something up to keep em out
Good for you! I'm sure if those cats knew what it was they would shit else where, as they probably don't want you shitting in their cat nip.

Carnivore poop is no good, but also cat poop is especially dangerous for pregnant women. There is some bacteria in cat poop that can be harmful for the baby. So if you're pregnant or someone whom you live with is, make sure you wash up really well before coming in contact with those people after being in your garden. Some minor fencing should keep them out of your garden. If you don't want to use fence maybe get some predator urine. Make sure its from a predator that is native to where you are, not a tiger or something crazy, it's gotta be a scent that the cats will know.
Hate to say it cuz i am an animal lover but also a hunter and feral cats do nothin but spread disease. Call animal control if you cant do it but get rid of em. I always get rid of em when i see em in the woods or in the hood. A lil crossbow works great.


Plant a patch of catnip a bit away. Make them happy and solve the problem.

Alternatively put up a sign, and start enforcing stiff penalties. Show them you won't take their shit.


Well-Known Member
i live in the in rural area and my neighbor down the road had barn cats that he never neutered/spayed or fed. before i knew it some of the strays moved in my out buildings. like a dummy i let them stay and by the next spring there were so many fucking cats getting into shit. i should of taken care of the problem when there was only a few to get rid of.

Hate to say it cuz i am an animal lover but also a hunter and feral cats do nothin but spread disease. Call animal control if you cant do it but get rid of em. I always get rid of em when i see em in the woods or in the hood. A lil crossbow works great.


Active Member
Hate to say it cuz i am an animal lover but also a hunter and feral cats do nothin but spread disease. Call animal control if you cant do it but get rid of em. I always get rid of em when i see em in the woods or in the hood. A lil crossbow works great.
Scumbag! Hope you catch a crossbow in the tits