• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are We In A Police State?


Well-Known Member
OK, I'll remember that when I see you and your family about to be carjacked by four thugs at the point of a shotgun. I'll just drive right on by and say to myself, "Hey that's that old direwolf, you know, the self reliant guy who hates cops and can fend for himself." :lol:
What are you, a cop?


Well-Known Member
Police have too much power. If some meth heads break into my house with weapons and I kill em, I will go to jail. Maybe for a little while until questioning, but no doubt I will be riding in the back of a cop car.

A cop pulls someone over, the guy seems shifty (nervous, he has a little baggie of weed, crack, etc). Some miscommunication, suspect reaches into his pocket and gets blasted by a .45. The cop will be put on paid leave, then will return to work a short while later.

But hey, he did graduate from the police academy.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Police have too much power. If some meth heads break into my house with weapons and I kill em, I will go to jail. Maybe for a little while until questioning, but no doubt I will be riding in the back of a cop car.

A cop pulls someone over, the guy seems shifty (nervous, he has a little baggie of weed, crack, etc). Some miscommunication, suspect reaches into his pocket and gets blasted by a .45. The cop will be put on paid leave, then will return to work a short while later.

But hey, he did graduate from the police academy.
It's not just about the occasional misunderstanding, it's about all of these police raids on people who have done nothing wrong. Like that Marine in Tucson that they shot 80 times or all the people going to jail for recording officers while on duty. The courts are just as guilty for allowing this behavior.
When I was growing up, I never heard the term "law enforcement". A cop was somebody you could turn to if you needed help. A more fitting term was "peace officer". Now, they're like Rambo on steroids.
Again, I want to reiterate, it's not all cops that are like this, there are some damn fine police putting their lives on the line everyday and I don't want to denigrate their character because of the bad ones.

jeff f

New Member
It's not just about the occasional misunderstanding, it's about all of these police raids on people who have done nothing wrong. Like that Marine in Tucson that they shot 80 times or all the people going to jail for recording officers while on duty. The courts are just as guilty for allowing this behavior.
When I was growing up, I never heard the term "law enforcement". A cop was somebody you could turn to if you needed help. A more fitting term was "peace officer". Now, they're like Rambo on steroids.
Again, I want to reiterate, it's not all cops that are like this, there are some damn fine police putting their lives on the line everyday and I don't want to denigrate their character because of the bad ones.
i dont hate cops either. have several very close friends who are. but, some of them sure think they are above the law.

for instance, my one state trooper friend took my buddy to pick up his new harley. they drove 100 mph to get there and then bragged about it. thats fucked up.

a told a story on here a few months ago, seven of our finest in a bar until 2 am. all left, in cars, and totally fucking blown out. then they are free to pull someone else over for dui?

and watching a few episodes of cops on tv, they totally fuck people over. they start asking lawyerly questions of people who have done nothing wrong until they listened/talked to the cop.

for instance a drunk guy in his house being harrassed by a couple thugs. he had his legally owned hand gun with him. the cops talked him out of his house, onto the sidewalk (public property) then arrested him for drunk and disorderly.

last time i checked it was totally legal to be drunk in your own house, and this guy just followed direction onto public property where he was promplty arrested. totally fucking wrong.


New Member
i used to like cops till i was wronged from that point on i hate them one cop could be getting a beating and scream for help chances of me walkin over there and kicking him more then once in the head is prob 90 percent lol
last time i was invlved with cops i beat them both one so bad i think he is only pushing pencils now
sure i was charged with assaulting a police officer x 2 uttering death threats x 2 and attempted murder x 2
when it came to court almost a year later one cop still looked bad i mean really bad :)) other had a slur oh well they got what they deserved
Best thing about it all i walked all charges dismissed reasons was simple i was being overly attacked as i layed on the ground one hand had cuffs on me from xrays and doctors diagnosis
fckin pigs said i was attacking them when all my bruising and broken ribs were on my back
as they attacked me i thought my life was in jeapordy so i attacked back beating both cops near death never realized pigs could bleed so bad lol
in court all was said was my life was in jeapordy and they went over there board
judege even ruled that cops were in the wrong and warned them if there to ever be in his court on anyother such grounds that they will go to jail

as i walked out of the court room i looked over at the cops and laughed and started talkin in a slurred way like one cop now does other still isnt the same now a paper pusher
prior to court i decided to get info on them 2 cops so hired a PI and got all info there kids names what school they went to etc you name it i got it
one cop said we'll get you i said say hi to charla for me would you
the look in his eyes was enough to realize his family is in jeapordy and all i said fck with me i dare you

now when i get pulled over if theres one cop he wont even get out of the car till 2 more cruisers show up hahaha fckin chicken shit pigs

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
i dont hate cops either. have several very close friends who are. but, some of them sure think they are above the law.

for instance, my one state trooper friend took my buddy to pick up his new harley. they drove 100 mph to get there and then bragged about it. thats fucked up.

a told a story on here a few months ago, seven of our finest in a bar until 2 am. all left, in cars, and totally fucking blown out. then they are free to pull someone else over for dui?

and watching a few episodes of cops on tv, they totally fuck people over. they start asking lawyerly questions of people who have done nothing wrong until they listened/talked to the cop.

for instance a drunk guy in his house being harrassed by a couple thugs. he had his legally owned hand gun with him. the cops talked him out of his house, onto the sidewalk (public property) then arrested him for drunk and disorderly.

last time i checked it was totally legal to be drunk in your own house, and this guy just followed direction onto public property where he was promplty arrested. totally fucking wrong.
This is my view point on Police above. Hypocrites who are armed and dangerous.
I do not even have a phone to call 911 so I am sure that I won't call them for anything. I have experience with Police and the ones I met LAPD Rampart Div. LA County Sheriff Motor Brigade. Drink and ride, snort speed and take L.S.D. I seen it, you better believe it. The reason they don't smoke weed and most are jealous is because it stays in their system too long and if they have to shoot someone and get tested do not want to go to jail. They are above the law and quite often Murder people and "get together" when writing up a report. This is why I do not feel any safer in America then any other country. As a matter of fact other countries offer free medical care, if their officers injure you. I live near Long Beach, CA. and Fullerton, Ca Google the Police departments and see how many people they murdered this year alone!


Well-Known Member
OK, I'll remember that when I see you and your family about to be carjacked by four thugs at the point of a shotgun. I'll just drive right on by and say to myself, "Hey that's that old direwolf, you know, the self reliant guy who hates cops and can fend for himself." :lol:
Police don't stop crimes from happening, that is not their job. They are there to investigate crimes and apprehend criminals.


Active Member
i deliver for pizza hut so i see dumb jerkoff cops all day. in fact last night on my way home a cop pulled out behind me driving down the wrong lane of a two way street for about 2 blocks. i see them just blow through stop signs, stop lights. i had a friend get pulled over drunk (underage) and had weed on him. the cops took his weed and sent him on his way. the cops do not care about the people. maybe some do but not most. wait until you actually need the cops and see for yourself how much they just dont give a fuck


Well-Known Member
I Know a gal who called the sheriff because she was driving and some trucker with a semi kept trying to run her off the road. They couldn't help her because they were responding to a vehicle accident with no injuries. She went into the ditch to save herself, but she got the DOT and Lic#'s. The Hiway Patrol called her a week later and said that the truck driver was trying to teach her a lesson, because a few weeks prior, a vehicle that looked similar to hers had passed him over the solid line. Did the HP do anything to the guy who freely admitted he was trying to run someone off the road? Not a fucking thing. If I were that HP officer I would have arrested the guy for attempted vehicular homicide.


Well-Known Member
OK, I'll remember that when I see you and your family about to be carjacked by four thugs at the point of a shotgun. I'll just drive right on by and say to myself, "Hey that's that old direwolf, you know, the self reliant guy who hates cops and can fend for himself." :lol:
s´kinda funny.

cops don´t prevent shit and solve a small percentage of crimes.

what they usually do is give out tickets (for speeding or something was wrong with your car or you forgot to put on seat belts), hunt stoner´s (usually obvious kids(weed pictures and slogans on their teeshirts and so high they look shitfaced)and making sure ambulance men are not overly disturbed by traffic.

cant think of anything else, not without a dig and i think ill rather go have a smoke.

sure, the police are occasionally useful, think i heard of one or 2 instances.

but i dont remember reading about that many successes of the police in the news, nothing comes to mind actually..


Well-Known Member

s´ funny too, not really though. come from a small place and i can remember a time when people went dancing and the police were bothering them, they just took the cops and tied them up and dumped them behind the dancehall (usually someone came and untied them the next day.)

funnny part is.

40-50 year later, not much bigger populace but the police is much more powerful, hunting drugs and even have a special forces unit.

funny part is.

crimes are way up and so are murders.

and the police was mostly empowered to stop a then largely nonexistent drug problem (lol a few dozen kids, 1-2 hundred potsmokers at most..)

the police toughened things up and the drugmarket got tougher.

by now, drugs are more widespread than ever, the police are bankrupt (lol small country)

and the russian mob is getting a foothold (not that close to russia and tiny market, so kinda funny :)

and still the politicians think we should deal harder with drugs :)

(well or did before they fucked everything else up so much that drugs have become less than priority and simply dont mention it)


Well-Known Member
I Know a gal who called the sheriff because she was driving and some trucker with a semi kept trying to run her off the road. They couldn't help her because they were responding to a vehicle accident with no injuries. She went into the ditch to save herself, but she got the DOT and Lic#'s. The Hiway Patrol called her a week later and said that the truck driver was trying to teach her a lesson, because a few weeks prior, a vehicle that looked similar to hers had passed him over the solid line. Did the HP do anything to the guy who freely admitted he was trying to run someone off the road? Not a fucking thing. If I were that HP officer I would have arrested the guy for attempted vehicular homicide.
That trucker is fucking insane. Why get mad over something so stupid? I mean, you drive a giant, slow moving vehicle, of course people will pass you. Psycho.


Well-Known Member
That trucker is fucking insane. Why get mad over something so stupid? I mean, you drive a giant, slow moving vehicle, of course people will pass you. Psycho.
The biggest thing? Her car wasn't the one who did it in the first place. Any idea how many grey Toyota Camry's there are? The guy was from Arkansas and perhaps didn't know running people off the road wasn't allowed.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
The Calling | Steven Horwitz
Yes, It Is a Police State
A line has been crossed.

Posted June 16, 2011
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As regular readers know, I’m not one for hyperbole, so perhaps some are thinking that my title is ironic. Nope, I mean it. An accumulation of events in recent months leads me to no other conclusion than that we are in fact living in a police state in the good old US of A.

The list of reasons is fairly long, but we can certainly start with our favorite gropers at the TSA. In my ideal world, airline safety would be the responsibility of those with the most directly to lose financially from doing it poorly: the airlines and the airports. But even in a world where government has taken on that responsibility, we should be protected by the Fourth Amendment against “unreasonable” searches. It’s one thing to walk through the standard metal detector, which seems reasonable, but when we are expected to pose virtually nude in a submissive position for government agents, and when refusing to do so earns you a feel-up that would count as sexual battery in most states, that is something else entirely.

If I had told you 20 years ago that in 2011 this is what would happen every day to thousands of travelers — including toddlers and the handicapped — at U.S. airports, you would not have believed me. And on top of everything else, it doesn’t work! It’s mere “security theatre.” When residents of the United States have a legitimate fear of being sexually abused by agents of the State when engaging in peaceful air travel, we live in a police state.

SWAT Teams

Add to this 1) the militarization of the police, with no-knock raids by full SWAT teams being the norm for everything from minor possession of marijuana to suspected student-loan fraud, and 2) the Supreme Court’s complicity in eviscerating the Fourth Amendment — and two more pieces of the police state are in place. These raids often feature what writer Radley Balko calls “puppycides.” The cops shoot and kill any dogs in the house routinely, regardless of their behavior. Of course the cops often raid the wrong house, terrifying innocent people in the middle of the night and killing their dogs too. When residents of the United States have serious reason to fear the door being busted down in the middle of the night by armed agents of the State despite having done nothing wrong, we live in a police state.

Then there’s my experience this past week as I drove home from the airport in Syracuse, New York. The Border Patrol and the State Police had set up a roadblock on the county line about 30 miles from my house and at least 20 miles as the crow flies from the border with Canada. This is not uncommon, but this time two things were different. First, both groups of officers were fully armed. Second, they were asking questions. Normally they just peer into your car and let you go. This time, I was asked, “Where are you coming from?”; “Were you out of the state?”; and “Do you have luggage in your trunk?” They did not search the car, nor did they ask for ID (the latter probably because I’m white), but it does not matter. When American citizens are stopped while traveling within their own state and asked to account for their whereabouts, we live in a police state.

Do You Have Your Papers?

Finally, a professional colleague of mine was recently on a train to Chicago with his teenage son. They are of Mexican descent, but both are American citizens. Border Patrol agents boarded the train and conducted a similar inquisition. My colleague and his son were hassled quite a bit and told that they probably should keep proof of citizenship with them when they travel within the United States. When innocent American citizens are told they should have “their papers” on them, we live in a police state.

My experience last weekend reflects the essence of the problem. Why were the cops and the Border Patrol there? They were looking for illegal immigrants, drugs, and potential terrorists. It’s the perfect storm of statism that has brought us to this point. The combination of xenophobia, irrational fear of drugs, and the terror the State has whipped up about terrorists around every corner is the fuel on which this police state feeds. But a police state cannot emerge without many fellow citizens being willing to trade off their actual liberties for the false promise of security.

Since 9/11 the biggest threat to the American people is not radical Muslim terrorists, nor deranged domestic terrorists, but the terrorists with the blue uniforms, badges, and body armor. Their weapons of mass destruction are not bombs, but state-approved guns, latex-gloved hands, and a profound disregard for our rights. Until we stand up and say, “Enough!”these terrorists will keep winning and our rights will continue to be lost.


Well-Known Member
im not sure many would have believed it even 10 years ago.

f.e the last bankcrash was plainly visible 10 years before the fact, just not by the "right people" :)

but yeah, most western countries are policestate.

its a monty python world.

police go around sniffing doors and break down any down that doesnt smell right

along with occasionally beating up the inhabitants and usually jailing them. (some asian countries they dont have any money for jails, so they just beat the crap out of the smokers, when they catch them)


Well-Known Member
well, that was actually a backhanded compliment to monty python.

i meant that from a certain angle, the world is ridiculous similar to a monty python sketch (and as funny, i love monty python, (always look on the bright side of life ;))