aeroponics nute change/refill question


Active Member
do you add nutes measured to the water you refill with or change it all out? ive done both but want to know whats correct. my pic is my indoor grow, they look good but i cant make mistakes. im a soil guy this is new to me
do you add nutes measured to the water you refill with or change it all out? ive done both but want to know whats correct. my pic is my indoor grow, they look good but i cant make mistakes. im a soil guy this is new to me

When your res starts to get low, just top it off with water and adjust the ph level untill its time to change the entire reservoir (usually every 10-14 days)
I think both methods are correct.
"top off with water and change entire reservoir routinely/weekly"
"top off with solution and monitor ph/ppm"

It truly depends on what you want to do and what is convenient for your setup.
Sometimes its more convenient to change then entire reservoir than to monitor the ph/ppm. (single site usually)
Sometimes its way more convenient to monitor the reservoir and not bother changing it. (multi site usually)
I personally like to wipe down the reservoir. Possibly keep two reservoirs handy if they are trash cans or rubbermaids. So that you can have a clean one ready when you change the res.

Edit: Just realized you were referring to aero system. Go with what tat2ue mentioned, "top off with water, change bi-weekly"
I myself keep my tank full and find I am adding about four gallons every five days or so. I use nothing but a PPM meter. Two things make me change out my tanks. One if the water looks brackish and if the PPM meter starts reading erratically and won't zero in on a reading of say 225. So far it has been two to three months between changes. My tank is a 20 gallon and has 15 gallons most the time. Pumps running 24/7. You can see my system at myaeroponics