Will I Trip today?


Active Member
the graph is saying that the caps do contain the most "good stuff"

the percentages are on each side of the middle line are the percent in the cap, stem and whole body of Psilocin and Psilocybin. the bold numbers are the overall percentages of each and the largest numbers fall under the cap in both sections.


Well-Known Member
"grande skinny vanilla breve latte with an extra shot."

throw any drug lingo at me and I'll follow it all day... but that just made zero sense to me :P


Well-Known Member
hey everybody. ya i took it but i called my buddy and he got me an eighth of that same species. He told me not to take more than an eighth cuz those were dank. So any way ya i had an awesome first trip... However the hardest trip i ever had was when i smoked an eighth of chron my first time smoking weed. AMAZING time.


Well-Known Member
Do not take that whole thing. That's fucking stupid, if it is poisenous you could get painfully sick. If not that I know that an 1/2 eighth will do for a first time, You never know when it will hit you, but wait a while if nothing happens eat more ^_^

Shrooms are fun but you have to be careful.


Well-Known Member
I know, i read. *sigh* so, you threw up eh? What did you tripe? Were you melting?
Lol its all kind of fuzzy now. I tripped w/ a buddy that was a christian so we talked about religion mostly. We also watched the chron of riddick, which was cool because the colors in the movie were undescribeable, just beautiful!
I laughed all night and the most funny part of the night was when i was feeling my head and my skull dissapeared! I could feel my brain and skin sliding everywhere... it was great!, however like i said i smoked an 8r of chron the first time i smoked, W/ the same budy btw. And i forgot who i was. i thought my buddy was Me. i Kept telling him that he wasnt me. . . lol
Also that night i went outside and tripped into a river of blood that wasnt there and he saw a bunch of eye balls coming at him like demons were watching him. Pretty F'ed Up. It was some amazing weed.

But I am pretty sure that the vommiting was from eating an entire red velvet cake. . .lol food tastes good on shrooms :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol. dude that's funny. I try to stay away from food when I'm on psychedelics/hallucinogens. especially weed, but you know how the muncheez go.


Well-Known Member
oh my god i remember shrooming for the first time. one of the worst trips of my life

never eat 2 eights of shrooms,especially if you dont know what to expect

but eventually i experienced shrooms the right way im not even going to try and explain that trip