Thanks St. Andy

not really a story, this is the first of my time that a gift is being returned all grown up. I give away clones/seeds and NEVER get anything in return but i am not seeking anything either. I give cause I have extra and in this case I was over my numbers and had to get rid of some plants quick. St. Andy came around with the finished product and asked for pointers and how he could have done better. Unexpected, and you can be sure that when I have extra next time I will call him.


New Member
not really a story, this is the first of my time that a gift is being returned all grown up. I give away clones/seeds and NEVER get anything in return but i am not seeking anything either. I give cause I have extra and in this case I was over my numbers and had to get rid of some plants quick. St. Andy came around with the finished product and asked for pointers and how he could have done better. Unexpected, and you can be sure that when I have extra next time I will call him.
Nice. Glad to see that people are still good I am losing hope fast.