Michigan or Northern Cali..........


Active Member
Hey puff whats up brotha...See these r the kind of post that i need to c instead of u need 25-50k to get started or no u wont make it all of that negivtive shit needs to stop lol..Where r u located in cali??


Well-Known Member
I'm in the sf bay area. Pretty expensive in the bay here for monthly rent, but if you go up north, sonoma county up to the emerald triangle (humboldt area) they should get cheaper and county laws allow more plants, just in general. Some bay counties might allow more but my city is 6 budding/6 vegging unless you buy an extra permit to grow like 60 or something. Haven't really looked into all that in a while.


Well-Known Member
U can buy a permit??How much does that cost?
I think around $200 is what my friend was telling me. Worth it if you want to live in a county that has a lower limit. Also, got your pm, I'll do my best to respond today but likely won't be til much later on in the day til I can get around to it.


Well-Known Member
"your" means belonging to you.

"you're" is a contraction of "you are".

I just speak the truth. Sorry if it labels me an shithead.
all you do is troll people..... and theres some truth for ya...... and it dont have to be spelled right or have proper punctuation for people to see.....


Well-Known Member
Sure NorCal has more sun, who cares ?

I have a nice 600w sun in my grow room, and it shines everyday !

What were the big points to living in Cali ? Just the 99 plant thing ? If you know how to grow, plant limits shouldnt be a problem.

Good luck with your decision.


Active Member
Yeah cali is just for the higher plant count, and well its cali who doesnt wanna try to live there once in there lifetime...i know 12 plants will give me 2lbs anyways..


New Member
all you do is troll people..... and theres some truth for ya...... and it dont have to be spelled right or have proper punctuation for people to see.....
Too many periods for your ellipse and improper usage too. I could care less you stick up for this illegal posting P.O.S. so who really is the troll? Hmm... <-- proper ellipse.

This Dinafem joke will be in prison which ever state he chooses so probably the less prison time on illegal drug distribution would be your best choice you f()@!*! moron douche.


Well-Known Member
Sure NorCal has more sun, who cares ?

I have a nice 600w sun in my grow room, and it shines everyday

Good luck with your decision.
Yeah but your 600w can't pull 4+ lbs off one plant outdoors in the season, now imagine 60 outdoor plants. I love indoor but do some math


Active Member
Yeah but your 600w can't pull 4+ lbs off one plant outdoors in the season, now imagine 60 outdoor plants. I love indoor but do some math
4+lbs from 1 plant...R u serious thats fucking huge....But there prolly 10ft high trees huh??60 of them i couldnt imagine...Show some picks...For my 12 plants i will have 2x600w and either an LED or ceramic MH..So it will be atleast 1450w so 884g is just avg..


New Member
4+lbs from 1 plant...R u serious thats fucking huge....But there prolly 10ft high trees huh??60 of them i couldnt imagine...Show some picks...For my 12 plants i will have 2x600w and either an LED or ceramic MH..So it will be atleast 1450w so 884g is just avg..
Do they charge inmates for electricity draw? If so, maybe LED would be better choices.