when to harvest

I am growing one afghan gold plant. Its doing very well. Apparently its supposed to be harvest in late september early october. But i was just going to ask the forum if it could be ready even earlier. They have been flowering for about a month now and budding for about 2 and a half weeks. The buds are very lushes and crystals are even beginning to form around them. They smell great and a couple of the white hairs on the buds have brown tips. So what are the signs that its ready to harvest? And also is it possible for a plant to ready for harvest well before its expected time? Thanks and happy growing!


Active Member
what would be the point of harvesting so soon all you will succeed in doing is wasting your own time if they have been budding for 2 and a half weeks you will have at least 7-8 weeks left just be patient and wait trust me you will be glad that you did because your yield and quality of smoke will be much better those buds need to fatten up with resin so dont go near her with any sharp implements for a good 2 months


Well-Known Member
yeah, well you need to do a little homework before you get too frisky with those shears there Guy. Take a couple deep breaths and step away from the scissors.


Misguided Angel
Are you growing indoors or out? The way to tell if they are ready for harvest is the same either way, but late september early october would be if you were growing outdoor. Indoors is expressed in weeks as you are mimicking the photoperiod.


Active Member
yeah, well you need to do a little homework before you get too frisky with those shears there Guy. Take a couple deep breaths and step away from the scissors.
i been reading about getting a microscope


Well-Known Member
i been reading about getting a microscope
Now you're talkin. Stop with all the touchy feely and get down with science. Say it twice like the song ............she blinded me with science doot doot doot doot ...........now say it!!

Get a water meter and a microsope. ppm meter and ph drops or meter .............Yeah baby!! Science