DMT, Setting Forth to Hyperspace


Well-Known Member
Take it all at once, it will do you right..

I stay away from these types of Bad drugs. Marijuana as it is 100% pure and true is the only right course to follow. Maybe some shrooms =)


Well-Known Member
Take it all at once, it will do you right..

I stay away from these types of Bad drugs. Marijuana as it is 100% pure and true is the only right course to follow. Maybe some shrooms =)
Ignorance has no room for itself in this thread, please step aside and let the big boys talk.


Well-Known Member
considering the fact that Dmt is way more natural than any other drug???

nnDMT is a neural transmitter. you make it in your brain. its more natural than herb or shrooms.
Thank you, Question can you do a wash in just pure cold distilled water or does it have to be a solution.
Also using Ronsonol lighter fluid anyone heard of it?
I believe you need a non-polar solvent, which water is not.

I've heard of many people using ronsonol. Have you done an evap. test on it just to make sure?


Well-Known Member
I believe you need a non-polar solvent, which water is not.

I've heard of many people using ronsonol. Have you done an evap. test on it just to make sure?
I have yet purchased Ronsonol but when i do i will sure do the test Daath.
Thanks! I guess i will mix a little bit of cold distilled water and Janitorial Strength Ammonia, I'm guessing the ammonia evaporates cleanly...
I will only do a wash if it really needs one lets just hope the rons. evaporates cleanly i heard it has other chemicals in it besides naptha and someone used naptha and rons. and got whiter crystals with the naptha and yellowish crystals with rons.


Well-Known Member
Teach, we have all had misconceptions in our lives.
Yes, but people who are stupid are mostly stupid because they choose to be ignorant. It's seems to me TogTokes is uninformed, whether he takes the initiative to learn and open is mind is what truly makes a person better then the other. I believe if you are ignorant you are stupid, if you shut out everything and not let any information manifest itself inside your consciousness then you are truly stupid. Everyone else is smart :)


Well-Known Member
Take it all at once, it will do you right..

I stay away from these types of Bad drugs. Marijuana as it is 100% pure and true is the only right course to follow. Maybe some shrooms =)

then you are at the beginning of YOUR path sir...

cant wait to see you when you catch up to us.


Well-Known Member
Great thread! I have some DMT that a friend made and gave me, along with some RUE, this coming together. That u call a "SHE". Could u explain further?? Sounds very intresting! I have yet to try DMT, want the moment to be right, but. I'm ready to! :)


Well-Known Member
Great thread! I have some DMT that a friend made and gave me, along with some RUE, this coming together. That u call a "SHE". Could u explain further?? Sounds very intresting! I have yet to try DMT, want the moment to be right, but. I'm ready to! :)
sounds like you get to either smoke it or eat it!!!

i recommend smoking it first before eating it.
if you dont eat it with RUE....the DMT will break down in your digestive system and NO EFFECTS will occur.
but RUE will let the DMT go through your system without it breaking down.

YOU DONT WANNA EAT RUE if you smoke DMT though....
it will potentiate the DMT 10 fold!!!

a smoked dmt expereience is A LOT more intense and powerful than a dmt experience when it is eaten orally.
it is also shorter than eating it.

i recommend smoking it for your first time. since it is easier to understand and it is shorter
TRUST ME..... smoking it WILL get the ball rolling


Well-Known Member
keep in mind the doses....


nn-DMT doses for smoking : 25-50 mgs should be more than enough to get your OUT THERE

nn-DMT doses for eating orally : 300 mgs WITH RUE
Great thread! I have some DMT that a friend made and gave me, along with some RUE, this coming together. That u call a "SHE". Could u explain further?? Sounds very intresting! I have yet to try DMT, want the moment to be right, but. I'm ready to! :)
S.H.E. - Synchronized Hyperspace Event


Well-Known Member
Thanks BBQ, so eating DMT is more stronger?? And I saw what SHE stood for, but. I don't know what it intails? Like what happens in a. She? I've had some pretty far out LSD. Trips, not comparing the 2, but I feel like I'm ready, we were tripping on Avatar blotter, best I've had by the way, same homie had brought the DMT that night, but I didn't want to mix the 2, LSD takes me WAY out there. More so than others, and everyone always. Say that DMT is more intense, lol, guess I just have to jump in! :)
From what I can tell, the S.H.E. is just when a large group of people from all over decide to vape some deems all at the same time. Probably to see if they can "meet" each other, and just to have fun. There was a similar event here not that long ago. Synchdose I think it was called.


Well-Known Member
Ronsonol makes a slightly yellow spice, I suspect it disolves more oils... Not bad just not the best. Look for Neon or maybe VM&P something...


Well-Known Member
Ronsonol makes a slightly yellow spice, I suspect it disolves more oils... Not bad just not the best. Look for Neon or maybe VM&P something...
I heard you talking in another thread about how after DMT there isn't a yes or no you but you see both sides of things they are neither negative or positive... It's hard to explain but I understand what you mean. I get that alot when I can look at something in depth and find that there is no judgmental view humans put on things just a view an true clear view on it.

Do you kinda know what i mean?

thanks btw