Well-Known Member
Obameh or Huntsman.
Who can beat him? not a single contender in either party can.
Obameh or Huntsman.
Ron Paul can if they give him the nomination and T.V. time and favorable media coverage.
Ron Paul can if they give him the nomination and T.V. time and favorable media coverage.
MOST likely to win? Will that depends on who wins the GOP nomination.
Perry is garnering all this press but has yet to even participate in any televised debate.
Bachmann is only getting attentions because she uses the argument of "I'm not Obama and he won't win" and I have yet to hear her speak of any of her policies.
Romney is still up there according to polls but people are realizing what a fraud he is.
My man Ron Paul stirred up the scene at the Straw poll so I can only pray he builds momentum. He's the wild card,
Perry vs. Obama - Perry
Romney vs Obama - it'll be a close 50/50 split, who knows.
Bachmann vs. Obama- why do I even try?
Paul vs Obama - I would put my money on Paul because not only would gain a lot more support in a presidential debate but there are also a lot of people who are voting simply to put Obama on the curb.
I'm not gonna provoke the usual lefties on here so that's my assessment.
Either way, chances are if our country doesn't pull it's head out of it's ass and chance our perspectives on a lot of issues, well we are in for a wild ride into the toilet.
Romney vs Obama...
Obama Win.
you don't think perry will get the nod, i guess. my question is why?
I think the best hope for Ron Paul winning the presidental election, would be if he ran as a independet. His party doesn't support him cuz of stupid ass critics like Rush Limbaugh, who is a idiot that sadly represents the republican party. Fuck the left, and fuck the far right. Citizens need to speak up and defend our rights as americans.
you don't think perry will get the nod, i guess. my question is why?
Romney was coronated years ago for this...It was made pretty obvious. There were certain seemingly official meetings between him and some very interesting heads of state a couple years ago. It was pretty clear, imo.
Otherwise, Perry will be painted as an extremist for his "secession" phase not too long ago...not to mention all of the other insinuations that go along with that line of thought...
You're welcome,