It's Class Warfare Alright.

just like this:


how that conservative values working out for ya
I think its a fantatic example of why No Drama's idea is perfect. Personal responsibility, don't want the service, don't pay for it... if you want the service you will pay for it. I'm betting all the other people in that area are happily paying that $75 fee now, especially if they weren't before. And all it took was for providers of that service to hold him accountable. A lesson on personal responsibility AND not compromising your values, all in one story. It just makes me warm and happy inside, a truly "feel good", "teachable" moment. I wonder if it could easily be translated into an after school special or children's book, I'd buy it.

That guy should do it, he could use the profits to rebuild... and pay his fee next time. NO FREE LUNCHES.
yeah, this guy lost his home, and it makes you feel all happy and warm inside.

if this isn't the epitome of what's wrong with this country, what is??

a hard-working middle class american loses his home and you feel warm and happy inside.

we want to close tax loopholes for corporations that want to ship jobs overseas, and you feel rage inside.... what the fuck???
yeah, this guy lost his home, and it makes you feel all happy and warm inside.

if this isn't the epitome of what's wrong with this country, what is??

a hard-working middle class american loses his home and you feel warm and happy inside.

we want to close tax loopholes for corporations that want to ship jobs overseas, and you feel rage inside.... what the fuck???

chess vs checkers, my friend.

we'll see how that attitude plays out as time goes on.

and so muyloco knows, cranick offered to pay that $75 on the spot. they refused. cranick's brother went down to the station the next day and clocked the chief.

i hope some day muyloco's libertarian wet dream comes true and his family is being raped, and the police chief coldly replies "our records show you haven't paid".

chess vs checkers.
let's expand this thought train we are on.

health care. the individual mandate.

it bestows personal responsibility and accountability to all. originally, it was a heritage foundation idea (that left wing shit factory!)

yet righties like muyloco will rail against it to no end, arguing that they should not have any personal responsibility or accountability for something as important as their own health. should they fall ill and incur costs that they can not cover (very easy nowadays), they should just be able to pass those costs on to the rest of us.

that does not seem very consistent.

it seems that these bunch of hypocrites will rail against WHATEVER obama proposes, even if their side came up with the idea first.

hell, they finally found a tax cut that they don't like: the payroll tax cut. why? because obama espouses it.

have you ever seen such a bunch of obviously hypocritical (or closeted racist) bunch in your entire lifetime?

i haven't.

these are the same people who regard as a god the man who gave amnesty to illegals and extended unemployment when less people were unemployed than today (reagan).

chess vs. checkers.
Im old enough to remember When Clinton Tried to get the Public Option

The Republican alternative was the exact same thing as "Obamacare"
yeah, this guy lost his home, and it makes you feel all happy and warm inside.

if this isn't the epitome of what's wrong with this country, what is??

a hard-working middle class american loses his home and you feel warm and happy inside.

we want to close tax loopholes for corporations that want to ship jobs overseas, and you feel rage inside.... what the fuck???

It does make me feel good when someone is held accountable for their choices, refreshing actually. Those tax loopholes aren't what is sending the jobs overseas. Support a flat tax and all those evil loopholes vanish. But you can't get behind that idea because it doesn't "punish" successful individuals enough.

chess vs checkers, my friend.

we'll see how that attitude plays out as time goes on.

and so muyloco knows, cranick offered to pay that $75 on the spot. they refused. cranick's brother went down to the station the next day and clocked the chief.

i hope some day muyloco's libertarian wet dream comes true and his family is being raped, and the police chief coldly replies "our records show you haven't paid".

chess vs checkers.

First off, having had 2 police officers and 1 detective in my immediate family, I know that the police are a "reactionary" force, I don't rely on them to protect my family, I have a fully loaded and quickly retrievable arsenal for that. Since you brought my family and rape into the discussion, maybe you'd like to come over and give it a try, you'd make it about two feet inside before I dropped your worthless ass. What would the world do minus one flaccid, liberal douchebag?

Secondly, offering to pay the fee at that moment is like offering to pay for insurance AFTER the car accident. It really burns you up (pun intended) that he was actually held accountable for his decision. You're a sad, stupid little man.

i'm glad you feel good that the man's dog burned alive even after he offered to pay the fee.

you are so american that you must shit apple pie.

So, he didn't pay the fee, KNOWING his dog would burn alive if he didn't and a fire broke out. He was given all the information he needed to make an informed decision and CHOSE not to pay. But, that's the fault of the fire department, not his for making that choice? Wow, I wouldn't give a squirt of piss for the thoughts rattling around in that head of yours.
you make no sense at all.


in your closed little mind, the fire department and insurance are comparable services.

that really explains it all. what gives me some hope inside is that idiots like you fall into a ever-disspiating minority.

and threatening to kill somebody with a gun doesn't make you a man. any idiot can shoot a gun.
just like this:

Very good UB, now think about this. A huge flood drowns your home, you have no flood insurance. Guess what happens? Yep, thats right, you eat it.

I wonder if Mr. Cranick had Fire insurance? I wonder if his policy will pay out due to his NEGLECT and IRRESPONSIBILITY. How did the fire start?

Mr. Cranick could have also moved into the city and paid the taxes and gotten the services, but instead he CHOSE to live where he did. In the place that he CHOSE to live in , there are certain rules and regulations one needs to adhere to in order to receive services. i.e. there is a CONTRACT, legally binding in every way. Mr Cranick did not offer up his consideration and so therefore the Fire Department has a DUTY to uphold the law. Guess how many people "Forget" to send in their payments from now on? Very few i am sure.

Lets say that they had saved the home, then guess how fast they would be out of business as everyone realized that they could just pay the fee when they had the actual fire, Fraud in any state in the land. You can't make fraud lawful. How many fires out there happen per year? Ten? if only 10 people payed the fee, how long do you think the fire department would be able to operate on a yearly budget of $750? What if there were no fires for two years? The fire department would be out of business and every fire after that would burn to the ground no matter how many people were willing to pay the fee.

I also do not honestly believe that the Department didn't send any kind of a statement or reminder either. If I forgot that Brits drive on the wrong side of the road and i start driving American style in London and kill the poor chap I ran into can my defense be" I forgot"?

I feel bad for the guy, but shit happens.
insurance isn't the same as the fire department god dammit. i wonder if cranick had fire insurance?? who the hell cares?? it's not about that.

it's about the very dark road we are being led down, the road that says screw thy neighbor.

and BTW, the 75 dollar fee was a new addition b/c the fire department had run out of money.

the fire department has a duty to put out fires. it is not their responsibility to pick and choose what fires to put out depending on whether or not somebody paid or not. the fire department should put out the damn fire no questions asked.

what the fuck is this nation turning into???
you make no sense at all.


in your closed little mind, the fire department and insurance are comparable services.

that really explains it all. what gives me some hope inside is that idiots like you fall into a ever-disspiating minority.

and threatening to kill somebody with a gun doesn't make you a man. any idiot can shoot a gun.

Yeah, I'm the one not making sense. The fire dept. made it clear it wouldn't provide service to anyone not paying the fee, he chose not to pay the fee, they didn't provide service, the house burned down because of HIS choice. You're just so wrapped up in your entitlement, government must take care of me mindset, the very thought of personal responsibility seems like an alien concept. Frankly put, YOU and the ilk like you, ARE exactly what is wrong with this country.

And any idiot can try to drive home a pathetic, weak-minded point, by describing violence and rape of their opponent's wife and children. It was nothing more than a thinly veiled threat. When some douchebag like Buck resorts to that kind of "mental violence" with me, it will be met with "mental violence". He's very lucky this is anonymous and online, if he tried that shit in person (which he wouldn't, you can tell he's a coward at heart), he would be in for a scuffle.
Yeah, I'm the one not making sense. The fire dept. made it clear it wouldn't provide service to anyone not paying the fee, he chose not to pay the fee, they didn't provide service, the house burned down because of HIS choice. You're just so wrapped up in your entitlement, government must take care of me mindset, the very thought of personal responsibility seems like an alien concept. Frankly put, YOU and the ilk like you, ARE exactly what is wrong with this country.

And any idiot can try to drive home a pathetic, weak-minded point, by describing violence and rape of their opponent's wife and children. It was nothing more than a thinly veiled threat. When some douchebag like Buck resorts to that kind of "mental violence" with me, it will be met with "mental violence". He's very lucky this is anonymous and online, if he tried that shit in person (which he wouldn't, you can tell he's a coward at heart), he would be in for a scuffle.

I think Uncle buck could probably kick your whiny little ass in person
I think Uncle buck could probably kick your whiny little ass in person

Anything is possible, but I'm sure he appreciates your display of solidarity. Winning or losing wouldn't exactly be the point though, would it? Someone threatens your family and the gloves come off, outcome be damned.
Anything is possible, but I'm sure he appreciates your display of solidarity. Winning or losing wouldn't exactly be the point though, would it? Someone threatens your family and the gloves come off, outcome be damned.

I could care less What Uncle Buck thinks. I believe he could take you easily.
And any idiot can try to drive home a pathetic, weak-minded point, by describing violence and rape of their opponent's wife and children. It was nothing more than a thinly veiled threat. When some douchebag like Buck resorts to that kind of "mental violence" with me, it will be met with "mental violence". He's very lucky this is anonymous and online, if he tried that shit in person (which he wouldn't, you can tell he's a coward at heart), he would be in for a scuffle.

you would attempt to assault someone who proposed a hypothetical situation?

what a vagina.

be scared of hypothetical situations, everyone. :lol: hypothetical situations will rape your wife and kids. :shock:
I could care less What Uncle Buck thinks. I believe he could take you easily.

Considering your beliefs on other subjects that you have no idea what you're talking about, I'm not exactly giving a shit what you think. Why don't you go find another conversation that doesn't involve you to interject yourself into.
you would attempt to assault someone who proposed a hypothetical situation?

what a vagina.

be scared of hypothetical situations, everyone. :lol: hypothetical situations will rape your wife and kids. :shock:

Yeah, nice try. It was an inappropriate comment and you fucking know it. That's EXACTLY why you did it, you wanted to make it personal. So go fuck yourself, coward.
News Flash----The US Government will tax you till you are dead. Right after they steal your organs and sell them to afford their posh lifestyle. No matter how much the rich or poor kick in. The real problem is taxation without representation. I bet if there were a vote who wants to stay in the war, the majority would say; "get outta there" But 535 people keep us there while we have no say. They are sucking us dry and will continue, in the name of their God and missions. Systematically breaking us down.
Like in here for instance, you call yourselves good people and bash someone less fortunate or not as crafty as you and your dealings. They collect Un-employment (which it appears some of you do not understand how that works) a program they pay into, be it W2 employee or elect as a 1099 employee. That is what America is about not waiting for someone to fail and foreclose on their home or run them or their family out of a campground because they need to be there.
Food Stamps are closely regulated and you have to go in and report to an office to collect. Another good idea in my opinion. Do you want to just see people starve in the streets?
It is a shame that because Reagan wanted to spend money on Wars and saying "No" he closed institutions for the mentally unstable and now they walk the streets as though it is in a 3rd world country.
I can tell who is young and brash and those who are un educated. Because if you took a look at Politicians, their party's, jets and chauffeured rides you would see why these things are or should not even be an issue.
I see some of you praise Obama, yet he is at this moment going to give 300k illegals an opportunity to claim those benefits most of us pay or paid into. The big stink on here!
I see some Perry fans who do not realize that he is running with the Bildabergs in violation of the 1899 Logan Act Another sell out! Only caring about how far he can get ahead at the cost of Americans and their freedoms.
My point is not to bash your hero's it is that they are recklessly spending without regard to the outcome all whilst tossing a sound bite out there to get people looking at the haves and or have nots in the room instead of the Big Tick called Government living off our backs creating the issue of not enough left in the Kitty to help our own.
So class warfare is not the answer nor is increasing taxes on the already poor as Middle class starts at 40k a year and is taxed as though you are well to do. Yet, those with family and who like to live such as going to theater and costing a 100 bucks because you got popcorn know that is very slanted.
Punishing a person who struggled 65 hours a week and gave away his life to better his business should not be taxed or punished for his success. That person lives and drives on the same roads and probably pays more then you do cumulative instead of a percentage. IMO.