How to Be a Vendor?


Well-Known Member

This is a question regarding becoming a legal vendor in California under prop 215. I am interested in vending out flowers and also edibles. If someone with experience as a vendor or any owners of dispensaries could shine some light on the situation i would be more than grateful. Some things i would like to know include but are not limited to:

1. How much flowers should i have at minumum?
2. How much should i expect for my flowers? (ballpark range)
3. What is the proper procedure to approach a collective offering vending services?
4. How do edibles work in this market?
5. How do clones work in this market?
6. How does payments work?
7. What are collectives looking for in a vendor?
8. Any legal issues?
9. Do they usually handle the tax work?
10. Would it be a good idea to create a "brand" for the vendor?
anything relevant that i missed feel free to chip in.
Any and all input is appreciated.

nobody that's a 'vendor' is going to come forward with information that's going to flood the market more.

chances are all of the caregivers from cali on here had to do all the research themselves, and you come in here asking for how you can flood the market/lower prices even more??

what are ya nutz???

nobody that's a 'vendor' is going to come forward with information that's going to flood the market more.

chances are all of the caregivers from cali on here had to do all the research themselves, and you come in here asking for how you can flood the market/lower prices even more??

what are ya nutz???
funny got all the info i needed from another forum. Now rollitup members won't have a thread to reflect on for vending tips because of you jackass. Everybody tell this douche thanks.
Fuck you too asshole. Make a thread just to cry about it. Grow up.

i made a thread to collect valuable info for the forum. But some douchebag wants to come in and start being a bitch. SO i edited my original post and will keep all the info i learned about being a vendor to myself. And cruzer you go fuck yourself. Next time figure out what the fucks going on b4 you chip in.

I did not see you in this thread when it had a logical question in it but now its a negative thread in you all over it.. LOL
you have GOT to take a chill pill

you wanted strangers to hold your hand through the process of becoming a caregiver for multiple patients. which isn't all that hard in california to tell you the truth....

i guess that you called it 'vendor' might have not have helped you.


now that you've shown your true colors you can expect GREAT help from now
you have GOT to take a chill pill

you wanted strangers to hold your hand through the process of becoming a caregiver for multiple patients. which isn't all that hard in california to tell you the truth....

i guess that you called it 'vendor' might have not have helped you.


now that you've shown your true colors you can expect GREAT help from now

Im sure my true colors have been shown since ive been a part of RIU, And the main purpose of the thread was to compile helpful info that everybody could use who wanted to vend meds to clubs.. I never asked anybody to hold my hand through anything, I am trying to get advice on being a legal vendor just like everybody is trying to get advice on growing bud.

The worst part that made me mad is you came in being an asshole, while on the other forum i share on, which is cali based, gave me the best answer i could have asked for. I was going to update my post to share with others but you said we should be selfish about the info we know so that's what im doing.

As far as my true colors research me and you will see, im not a dick but if your a dick to me, then fuck you. IF something comes off wrong i apologize like a man and take whatever reaction i get. But i'm sure i made a legitamate thread, you come in talking shit about it so fuck it obviously its a bad thread right, ill change it.

Ps. If you highlight my post you will still see the original post and if anybody is willing to chip in, then feel free. If anybody wants/needs the info send me a PM illsend you what what i got.

edit: what do you call a "vendor" because what i was referring to was vending meds to local dispensaries, not just growing more pot because i am a caregiver to a few patients.
Before u try to sell to dispensaries make sure u got ur skills and strain down! Cuz ull have lots of competition and well get offers that will make u cry.

U really don't need anything else then your medical card. Just bring a sample to the club and if they like it they will call u, very simple.

Now a lot of clubs r trying to be more legit and will have u fill a W9(tax form) and pay you with company check NOT cash. Its good in some ways but it place ever gets raided all ur info is right there.

PS: I saw u posted in my thread earlier that u had some SFV going. Got any pics? Wanna compare to something.